Raccoon IN my coop

The only ways ive ever trapped coon is to take a cage trap and sip zie an open can of sardines to the back end of it and put it where ur coop is at night. on the outside of course of ur coop. Another way. I drilled a hole in a log about as wide as two of my fingures. Hammerd nails in to the hole in an angle. Put a bit of hotdog in the hole. ( the coon sticks its paw in it to get hotdog and then cant get it out cause of the nails. And then the easy way , Leghold trap. Find where its been diggin and just pop it there. Or where it entered in ur coop. Just make sure ur chickens dont get to it. (imagine a chicken pecking it.... snap neck). Ive caught over 7 opposums and 3 coons with leghold and cage traps just this summer.
Leg hold trap and a gun. cage traps work, but are less effective. They make leghold traps now days with rubber guards as to not "hurt" the critter. But still hold on to it. The thing about cage traps is most opposums/raccons/foxes dont like to go into a box to get food and will tend to eat thru the cage or leave it be.
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Live trap than either shoot it. I drown them personally since I don't want to discharge a gun in the city. Last year I had over 5 raccoons and 4 possums.
I know a guy in wv that coon hunts and takes any coons that people bring to him to state game lands where he hunts in the Fall and releases them. Put an ad in craigs list to see if you have any coon hunters in your area.
bow and arrow? That's not always a quick death and can be dangerous at close range.
A personal experience with the killing coons and a loss of 5 (3 the first night and 2 the next) is enough to say they will kill to eat and to just kill for the heck of it. Take no prisoners! Trap and dispose as I did with 2. Where there is one there is usually more.
I know a guy in wv that coon hunts and takes any coons that people bring to him to state game lands where he hunts in the Fall and releases them. Put an ad in craigs list to see if you have any coon hunters in your area.
Do not do this! Relocating wild animals is illegal, and even a felony.
Are personal attacks allowed here? Drowning is more humane than shooting. Releasing it may violate the law in some areas, releasing a skunk is not allowed where I live (rabies), you must kill them and if you shoot they are going to spray.
Not quite sure how drowning (which will take several minutes) is more humane than shooting which, if done right, is instant death. It's cleaner perhaps, and you don't have to watch the animal die, but I would question that it's more humane. If that's the only way a person can do it, fine, but I prefer a quicker kill.

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