Raccoons ? bait ? ( Graphic)


8 Years
Mar 2, 2011
When i get home I have all intentions of trapping these nuisence raccoons the coons and fox in my area are most if not all positive for distemper or rabies i feel sorry for them in a way they a thin and mangy
animal control tried trapping but didnt have much luck
what is the best bait for these Coons ?

thank you


My mother called me yesterday afternoon hyserical ( I am in CT right now on Vacation) and said a coon had killed all but 3 of my Pigeons ... I had 30 birds
there were heads , feathers , everywere
My new loft was being completed by my pigeon club as a suprise after the tornado destroyed my other loft ( its a 12X12 ) but it was good so they could be in the loft during the day but be kept in at night in the basement
this happened in the afternoon I have never heard of coons attacking during the day so I wasnt concerned
The flypen and divider wasnt attached yet so we covered the front window with hardware wire and then a top layer of chicken wire it was pretty heavy duty so i had no worries

I do feel Irresponsible I feel worse because I am not their they were my pride and joy
i am the Junior president of the DRA ( dixie roller association) i am supposed to set a good example and instead my whole loft was massacred
My mother told me she found Timothys head when I was asking if she found any survivors ... ( my handfed English trumpeter) she showed so much potential and was a real sweet one\\
I am just really angry when i get back I am setting alot of traps , the coons were i live have distemper/ rabies
Last month I caught a rabid fox in a live trap animal control came and got him

I have 2 trumpter hens left and a female roller squab
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marshmellow ? i would have never thought of that , or the hardware cloth thank you that makes alot of sense
a lot of animals are not rabid but they look really bad this time of the year when they are dropping fur ,distemper they will normally act drunk they cannot keep thier balance rabid most times they will have no fear they will attack you had someone trapping over by you the last coupla trapping season he was shipped oUt reassigned top Ancortes WA. Coons do not care what time of day it is when I trap most people do not want to put thier cats up and I am trying not to catch cats so I use molasses a lot but any sardines or mackerel or wet cat food with fish will catch coon I wish I was closer to y'all there is pretty good trapping over your way
the fox was bald and skinny and acted pretty drunk so it was distemper or rabies not sure just glad to get rid of it , he would lay in the middle of the road during the day and had no fear the nieghbors were scared of it because he had no fear
Hey come on down and catch what you want hahah
the raccons here are over populated and nuiscenses
i thought raccoons came at night because the only ones i have seen out during the day were sick looking
I will post a picture when i catch one
Sorry about your losses. Good luck trapping them.

I've been overrun this year and have had no luck with the trap.

I'm from VA too, and so far the coons here have only come at night, but the foxes/coyotes/etc come all day long. We did catch two coons recently though by using canned salmon. The wet cat food didn't do it for us. DH has also used rotisserie chicken carcasses with a little bit of meat left on them. Our foxes are a little more wary of the traps, so we haven't had as much luck with them.

Sorry to hear about your birds, and good luck getting rid of the predators!
The good news is you can catch raccoons on almost anything. Leftovers from last night's dinner, bones from fried chicken, etc. cat food, tuna fish, sardines, marshmallows, honey buns, even fruit. Whatever you eat, they will too. Generally you can avoid catching domesticated cats by using the sweeter stuff, however I DID catch one stray cat on a honey bun once. If your neighborhood cats are well fed they might be less inclined to go for non-target bait.

Foxes are harder to trap, but it can be done.
our area is full of feral cats that people have abandoned
but I feed the cats and spay neuter and try to find them homes so they are well fed and they stay away from the traps .. most the time

I think i will try marshmellows sounds like they work well for everyone

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