Raccoons ? bait ? ( Graphic)

I believe a coil spring trap is where the animal steps in the center and it catches the leg. The traps we use are "humane" traps, where you put the bait on one end, and the animal crawls inside the cage and steps on the trigger before it gets to the food, which springs the door shut.

Coil springs are generally regarded as better, because you are not fully relying on the animal to be dumb enough to crawl inside a small space. However, if you have other animals around that might get their leg caught, the coil spring is probably not for you. (We've got a dog and barn cats, so coil springs won't work for us.)
oh then i couldnt use those .... i have cats and there are my nieghbors dogs I wouldnt want something like that getting caught and injured I just want to catch the raccoons and if i used one of those their would be a good chance i would catch everything but a raccoon
I have used tuna, sardines, cat food, and eggs all with success - whatever happened to be handy. I use a havahart trap (one they crawl in and door shuts) since the neighbors have a lot of cats. I usually throw a tarp over the back half of it so they cannot try to get the bait through the wire. Also because I sometimes catch skunks and I can then pick the trap up covered with the tarp and not get sprayed.
when the right size trap is used they do not grip up high on the leg I trap in town with them frequently, I use a number 1 size trap for grey fox and a size 1 1/2 for reds

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