Racoon Security (how dexterous are they?)


11 Years
Nov 17, 2009
Federal Way, WA
Pretty confident in my overall run/coop security, but have a question on if a racoon could get in my run gate or coop door?


They use their front paws as well as a human. They have been caught hanging on the side of a fence, reaching through and sliding the cover slide back on a hhok and eye latch. I witnessed one unhook a hotwire. They will work in teams so make it difficult and a nuisance to open for you...if it is easy for you to open it is eay for them. I cannot stand those mask wearing chicken killers.
It's amazing just how adept they can be at getting into things. You could try padlocking your coops, just don't leave the keys anywhere the racoons could find them.
I think it is best to place door latches high and have a smooth surface that they can not climb up or down to get at the latch.
I noticed your latch can accept a pad lock, if you use it you are safe.
Your run will not keep out coons, they could easily get through or over or under the fence. They are very strong and poultry mesh will just slow them down.
It is imperative that you lock the coop door to the run every night.
I simply use a sliding barrel latch (like your coop latch) for my run, with a caribiner to secure it, however, I use keyed luggage locks for both my pop door and human door. The key hangs next to the door. They get locked every night.

Basically, if a toddler can figure it out, a raccoon can too. And they are very strong and determined, especially in the Spring when there are babies to feed, so keep that in consideration.

BTW, and this is not a criticism, but you need to consider your fencing material for your run if you are worried about coons. That chicken wire will not stop them.
I feel pretty okay that my run is fool-proof. An 8x8 shed type of building, locked up at all times, unless I need to get in there. The pop doors are on a pully system. lock them up at night. One yard is a 10x10 dog kennel, covered with the small chicken wire and enclosed on the top with it as well. The other yard is framed with 2x4's and completely enclosed with chicken wire as well. We have an electrical line running across the bottom - outside of the fence to detour digging. My concerrn is this...can a preditor get in overnight, or will I see signs of something trying to get into the coop? Will they dig a bit and then come back the next night to dog some more? Will I be able to tell if something is tampering with the coop/run?
I am a newbie to chickens but not dogs. I see a major flaw in your coop regardless of your latch. The chicken wire is nothing for something to get threw but even your heavy wire... A big dog will grab that and pull it off or break it and yor chickens are in trouble. Coons are bad, big dogs are as bad if not worse. G/L

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