Raillietina Cesticillus aka Tapeworms?


5 Years
Jun 18, 2014
Reno, NV
I took fecal samples to our state vet today for a test for worms. I have two 1 year old hens (a Wyandotte we had just died two days ago) and three 7 week old chicks. Since my Wyandotte went down hill so fast (less than 24 hours) I wanted to get them all tested.

The Golden Comet came back as Raillietina Cesticillus "moderate" and the Leghorn same thing only "Low", the chicks came back "no ova/parasites observed".

Soooo, I'm getting confused reading everything on tapeworms. I can not see them. I thought their poo looked pretty good!

Is Valbazen or Zimectrin Gold the way to go? Z-Gold is a lot cheaper and seemed to have the right active ingredient.

My Golden Comet weighs about 4 lbs and the Leghorn just under 3 lbs last time I weighed them but I will need to do it again. Since the chicks are not with the bigger hens yet, I thought this is a good time to nip this in the bud.

Thanks for any advice.
I took fecal samples to our state vet today for a test for worms. I have two 1 year old hens (a Wyandotte we had just died two days ago) and three 7 week old chicks. Since my Wyandotte went down hill so fast (less than 24 hours) I wanted to get them all tested.

The Golden Comet came back as Raillietina Cesticillus "moderate" and the Leghorn same thing only "Low", the chicks came back "no ova/parasites observed".

Soooo, I'm getting confused reading everything on tapeworms. I can not see them. I thought their poo looked pretty good!

Is Valbazen or Zimectrin Gold the way to go? Z-Gold is a lot cheaper and seemed to have the right active ingredient.

My Golden Comet weighs about 4 lbs and the Leghorn just under 3 lbs last time I weighed them but I will need to do it again. Since the chicks are not with the bigger hens yet, I thought this is a good time to nip this in the bud.

Thanks for any advice.

Use the z-gold. Withhold feed for 24 hours prior to using the wormer, water is okay. Then give them a regular pea size amount of the paste orally. You can put it on a small piece of bread and give it to them individually to eat, but separate them when giving them the treated bread so they wont take each others treated bread. Repeat dosing again in 10 days.
Use the z-gold. Withhold feed for 24 hours prior to using the wormer, water is okay. Then give them a regular pea size amount of the paste orally. You can put it on a small piece of bread and give it to them individually to eat, but separate them when giving them the treated bread so they wont take each others treated bread. Repeat dosing again in 10 days.

Thank you, that sounds simple enough. They free range all day. Is that ok? Just take the feeder out.

Yeah, one of the local feed stores has it in stock! Going to get some today, so pulling the feed :(
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