Rain, rain, rain...


In the Brooder
10 Years
Dec 7, 2009
Our coup is flooded w/ about 1 to 2 inches of water. I'm afraid to leave the chickens out in the barn though, b/c a neighbor dog just recently discovered that we have chickens and killed two of them. Will it hurt them to be water-logged during the day until I let them out when I get home? They have nest boxes and plenty of roosting areas to get up on.
Having wet feet is definitely better than being et by a dog

However, if you have any spare pallets you could chuck into the coop, or a few cinderblocks or buckets with a piece of plywood (or etc) on top, that would be even better, giving the chickens some dry "floor" for the moment.

GOod luck, hope things improve for you,

It seems everyone is having issues with this lately! It's not an ideal circumstance, but what can you do? Provide them with totes filled with bedding maybe. Mine don't seem to mind it at all. They roost and hang out in the nest boxes or just go outside the coop. I wouldn't worry too much, but it sure would be nice if things would dry out a little!!
Like pat said. Whatever you do, rectify this ASAP as it is a health hazard. If you decide to raise the coop (what else can you do?) then raise it a good 18". Too little will only provide a new place for mice, snakes, rats, and weasels to live.
You can also place a few bales of hay in there for them to roost on, which is what I'm going to do tomorrow. My run is a swamp right now, and they're predicting another 4-5 days of rain next week. Two years of record-breaking drought, and now so much rain I'm getting stuck in my driveway and the siding on my house is growing algae.

Kathy, Bellville TX
You guys are WIMPS!!! You need to try 38 continuous days of rain to see what rain really is...or several days of at least 1" per day. Around here, that would be considered a drainage problem that needs to be dealt with ASAP. Figure out how to channel the rain off to a lower area, or dig a dry well down a few feet to drain the water into the subsurface soil. Pat's idea of the pallets is a good one, but you really need a permanent solution, so you don't deal with this again. I wish I could give you more drainage advice, but it is difficult without seeing the situation.
i understand we live in TX and my run has been a mess for a month. they do have a dry house to sleep and lay eggs in. my poor girls are so wet, will it hurt them to be so wet for a long period of time. as soon as i put in dry stuff it comes a hail storm...ugh!!! i feel so bad for them!!
I know how you feel, I live in south MS and I feel so bad for mine too. I'm sure they are just as tired of the rain as we are. Not only is it wet but also cold!!! Mine have several roost to get on in their coop, but who likes to stay cooped up all day! Just pray that the rain and the cold weather both go away soon!
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I'm with chookchick, It all depends on your perspective. Good luck with your drainage problem. We ordered 2 1/2 yards of fine bark -non cedar in our #1 run 15x20. Totally solved the problem.

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