Raised yellowis green bumps under the nostrils of drake

Homer and Rupal

6 Years
Apr 23, 2013

I have a Swede drake who is almost a year old. He has had raised yellowish green bumps under his nostrils for awhile ( about 3 months) . The rest of his bill is normal and gray in color. The bumps are the size of a penny and last week they started to look like they were peeling off of the bill. Today when I touched them they completely slid off of his bill. The bumps ( once off of the bill) were very soft and damp but the bill underneath is firm and appears undamaged. There is a very small area of yellow still but it is not raised. Is this something I should be taking him to a vet for or is this hormonal and normal?

I have a Swede drake who is almost a year old. He has had raised yellowish green bumps under his nostrils for awhile ( about 3 months) . The rest of his bill is normal and gray in color. The bumps are the size of a penny and last week they started to look like they were peeling off of the bill. Today when I touched them they completely slid off of his bill. The bumps ( once off of the bill) were very soft and damp but the bill underneath is firm and appears undamaged. There is a very small area of yellow still but it is not raised. Is this something I should be taking him to a vet for or is this hormonal and normal?
I haven't the slightest idea what that could have been, maybe fungus of some kind, but if they came off and the bill under neathe looks healthy I'd just wait and see if they come back then by all means take him to the vet if you can. you might want to add some ACV to their drinking water it has a healing effect and is just healthy all round 1 Tab to 1 Gal of water.

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