Raising a single duckling...?


In a odd twist of fate the duckling, whose name is Prunella, has now completely imprinted on me
and is now sleeping in my bed on a shrine of paper towels and washable diapers...she also comes to school with me...and most everywhere...so now I am raising her like I would a baby and she's currently asleep in a sling tied around me...I'm in this one for the long haul...
Wonderful news.. Being a ducks mama is very rewarding. please post pics when you can!!

In a odd twist of fate the duckling, whose name is Prunella, has now completely imprinted on me :idunno  and is now sleeping in my bed on a shrine of paper towels and washable diapers...she also comes to school with me...and most everywhere...so now I am raising her like I would a baby and she's currently asleep in a sling tied around me...I'm in this one for the long haul...

You are able to bring your duckling to school?!? How great!
I had a lone rouen duck hatch once like that in the middle of the winter, she was so sweet and imprinted on me, she didnt know she was a duck and didnt really get along with the other ducks when she was too big to stay inside anymore, she was the sweetest though. Good luck youve got a duck buddy now!
You are lucky withthestuffed animals i can only provide the mirror and heat from some hot water bottles. but chickens will hatch soon maybe tomorrow any one with problems about stealin one for my duckling it's just like a kidnap marriage.
That's very sweet, sounds like your doing a good job and doing your research! That's very important you are informed, this has been a great website fir me the last eight months raising ducks and chickens. Check in anytime you need support or ideas.


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