Raising and caring for ducklings

I heard it on BYC actually. Then did research. Couldn't find anything backing it up, so I asked.

- what is the puffy area (?)below the cloaca on a 4-day old duckling? Is that the umbilical connection? I thought the umbilical was through the cloaca?
the umbilical connection is where the duckling was connected to it's yolk sac has nothing to do with the vent.
You'r correct.


the umbilical connection is where the duckling was connected to it's yolk sac has nothing to do with the vent.
Ah. Hmm. So I'm back to believing what I believed before. Kinda feel like my brain got derailed and then shoved back on track. Thank you all!!

I have read that some people put minnows or feeder fish in the ducks pool/pond. I plan to try it as a treat for mine when they're moved outside. It'd be fun to watch them catch them:)
That sounds like fun! I'd never thought of that. Minnows - think they'd survive in a duck pool for a couple of days? I'd like a video of that.
Wonderful info!! Thank you!! My Pekins are 3 weeks old, now and quite funny and quite messy with the waterer. Love the idea of the containers--my project for today! One question though....I have 6 pullets in with them and they are 4 weeks old. Can they get a drink from a milk jug like that? Can't separate all of them because I don't have enough room in my house, for another cage....:O(
High Backyard Chickens and Backyard Duck Keepers,

Hope everyone is doing well.

I have a quick question regarding a day old Blue Swedish I received in the mail. (Thanks for letting me post here. Seemed like a general Duck question place. If no, please let me know if there is a better place to ask my question. Thanks!)

Anyway, I received 5 BS this AM. All arrived seemingly fine if not but a bit jostled from the ride. They were packed in with extra male roos for the shipment and ALL made it!

So, I was doing the usual water and food monitoring, when I noticed one of the blues who had previously seemed okay, start to sort of stagger backwards when trying to get up. I made sure everyone had space and separated this little guy from the rest. After a few more minutes, he started to roll and flop on his back kicking his legs like he was trying to get up.

I decided to pick him up and gently hold him for a bit because watching it try to walk around was hard. I felt like maybe if I kept him still and helped with water and food, it would help.
Instead, he suddenly just seized up and died in my hands. Within minutes!

I, of course, put him in a box outside away from the other birds and I have been monitoring the others very closely.

The rest seem to be doing okay, I guess. They seem more unstable than the last batch I received, now a week old.

I have given them a little sugar water. They have the appropriate heat temp, appropriate brooder bulb, appropriate bedding (pine flake, low dust, TSC)., food, all of that....

I am so worried that these little guys might have something more than just a little travel sickness and I would be really bummed if anything got to the rest of my flock!
They are from the same hatchery (Ideal) as the week old ducklings and although separated, they are all in the same room.

I don't know....

If anybody has any thoughts on this matter; ANY words of wisdom would be greatly appreciated! Thank you!

P.S- I have not moved the birds to a different room (yet) because I don't want to overreact and jostle them too much. Also, space constraints...etc.

Again, Thank you!

Idas' Chickens
Thank you so much, Amiga and HollyDuckFarmer for your response.

I did call the hatchery right away after it died. (Sorry, I should have mentioned that...) They are the ones who told me to try the sugar water. Other than that, they didn't really offer much of a solution or answer... (Ideal hatchery has been really wonderful in terms of customer service and replacing the duckling I lost due to the USPS, so far in my experience. Don't want anyone to think I have a problem with them, unless the birds have an communicable illness, of course. But I'm trying to be positive about that.)

They all drank some of the sugar H2O, then I removed it (water) for about 10 min. Doing that in intervals so they don't get waterlogged? (No food in the brooder without water, of course, so they don't choke.) Temp set ~97. They aren't huddled under the lamp, or too far away...sort of where they are supposed to be (sleeping right now).

I will try to keep a close eye on them and see if they start to perk up and "walk" normally. I guess I just wait awhile now.
I'll update my post if they start to appear better.

I was toying with the idea if purchasing some type of "duck medicine" or something at TSC or our farmers CO-OP, but I don't know where to begin or if they even need anything.

Also, I have since separated everyone into different rooms, just to be "safe".

Thank you all again!

Idas Chickens
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You can get a powder product at TSC called Sav-a-Chick. There are other products, but that's what I use most often and I can reliably see a difference after 3 or so days. You mix one packet powder with I think 32 oz of water. (Check the fine print to be sure on the proper way to mix it up). It will also say to be sure that you offer plain water in addition to the vitamins-added water. However, with ducklings, I don't necessarily think you have to, since ducklings will go thru water so quickly. What I've done is offer one container of vitamin-added water, then I go check 2 hrs later, and of course that water is empty and the brooder's soaked. So then I'll offer plain water. And alternate that way. The point is, you just want the ducklings to get enough to get perked up, you don't want to overdose them on vitamins. If that's even possible, I don't know.

My gut instinct is that shipping was just too stressful on the one that you lost, or for whatever reason, that duckling just wasn't strong enough to pull thru. I know it is difficult- last Spring I bought 4 Runners after wanting them for a really long time. One died within 2 hours of me bringing it home. Sometimes there's just nothing you can do, and I'm sorry to say that but it's true. I hope that your remaining ducklings perk up and thrive for you! Glad to hear that the hatchery was helpful. That is always nice!

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