Raising and caring for ducklings

Oh, thank you--I'm not alone! My 3 'ducklets' are also a week old now, and I am having the same issues; water and poop everywhere, even ten minutes after it's all cleaned. But, like yours, they seem active and happy, so I'm hoping this is all okay. At least they're growing quickly. Good luck with yours!
I have free range chickens and guineas. I have one adult mallard that also free ranges and puts himself up at night. I now have five khaki Campbell ducklings that are six weeks old. How old do they need to be before I can let them out? How to I integrate them with the mallard? (scared he might hurt them)
You need to introduce slowly through fencing so he can get use to them. Are they as large as he is? most likely they are but still they are young and haven't had to defend themselves from an adult yet so just gradually get them out side to meet him for at least a week then try them all together when you can be right there to watch. Giving out treats may help with introduction without fencing. As far as when they can go outside for good, Have your KC been outside at all? if not start taking them out to get them use to the temps but bring them in at night just till they have been out enough to get use to outside temps maybe a week. and fully feathered. They were adorable babies.
I've put them in a kennel for two weeks. The mallard has actually come and sit with them outside the kennel. I don't think he likes them, but he's excited there is another duck. They are not as large as him yet. (He may be a little fat. lol) I put them in the duck pen yesterday. The pen is divided into two sections. They are in the back. He is in the front. I can open his door and leave them penned up. But he ranges all day so he doesn't see them as much now. But I wanted to put them in their permanent home for at least two weeks hoping they would put themselves up at night. I have had chickens for years, but I am new to ducks. I am so in love with them it is scary.

I also have two peking ducklings that are only two weeks old. I didn't want them, but Tractor Supply kept calling saying they had a hurt duck so I took them. That is also how I got one of the Khaki Campbells. He had a bad foot. They are all doing great. I really enjoyed swimming time in the bathtub, but my husband really got annoyed. lol
My little girls that almost didn't make it. She's doing great now.
That is precious. There is probably going to be some squabbles since he has been alone but hopefully they will work it out and become 1 flock. you just have to always be there in case your mallard gets out of hand. So nice of you to take in the sick ones and get them healthy.

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