Raising and caring for ducklings

They sure do
I have 3 duck eggs under a Silkie chicken, well it was one silkie, but in the last 2 weeks, one more Silkie and a Maran are also sitting. Will the chickens raise baby ducks or should I get a brooder ready? Will a dog cage work or rabbit hutch?

Ducks are either Peking or Runners

I have 3 duck eggs under a Silkie chicken, well it was one silkie, but in the last 2 weeks, one more Silkie and a Maran are also sitting. Will the chickens raise baby ducks or should I get a brooder ready? Will a dog cage work or rabbit hutch?

Ducks are either Peking or Runners

I am not sure about chickens raising ducks but logic tells me you will be better off using a brooder. Ducklings grow pretty fast so you would not need it for too long. Dog cages and rabbit hutches work just use something that is going to be easier for you to access to feed and water them and clean out their mess. My experience is that ducklings are a lot messier than chickens but they make up for it with cuteness. You can start with chick feed just sprinkle a little brewers yeast (nutritional) on it for the extra niacin that ducks need when growing. For bedding I used old towels. They are easier to clean, just launder and reuse. Shavings work but you will need to cover them for the first few days to keep the ducklings from eating them and they are more difficult to keep clean and dry. Be sure you have plenty of fresh water that they can stick their face in to clean their nares (noses) but not actually get in. Ducklings do not have the ability to produce the oils that make them waterproof until they are older, normally they get this coating from adult ducks so, keep them dry and if you do let them swim in s shallow container, be sure to dry them very well afterwords to keep them from getting chilled.
@Amiga @jdywntr
Hi i have 12 ducklings, 8 are 3 wks old, 2 are 2 wks old & 2 are 1 wk old. I have been putting them in my bathtub for "water time" almost every day w/water temp @ 90° They only stay in for 10-15 mins.
My Q. is when can they go outside in the kiddy pool for "water time"? The water temp outside is 57° & the air temp outside has been high 60's lately.
Should i start reducing the bathtub water first each day to meet the temp of the water outside? I realize putting them in 90° & then to a wzter emp of 57° would be a SHOCK to their system.
What are your suggestions on this? Thanks
@Amiga @jdywntr
Hi i have 12 ducklings, 8 are 3 wks old, 2 are 2 wks old & 2 are 1 wk old. I have been putting them in my bathtub for "water time" almost every day w/water temp @ 90° They only stay in for 10-15 mins.
My Q. is when can they go outside in the kiddy pool for "water time"? The water temp outside is 57° & the air temp outside has been high 60's lately.
Should i start reducing the bathtub water first each day to meet the temp of the water outside? I realize putting them in 90° & then to a wzter emp of 57° would be a SHOCK to their system.
What are your suggestions on this? Thanks
Hi CyndiD, they are too young still for outside pool time at your temps just cut back a little on temops in the tub actually they should only start out at water temp of around 85* but at the ages your ducklings are I'd keep the temps around 80* for now then when they get to be around 4 weeks begin to drop temps in tub water by 5* weekly by then your temps outside should be much warmer and by the time they are fully feathered they will be ready for outside pool time.

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