Raising and caring for ducklings

Thelma and Louise are now eight days old and they are bored, I think. They have started flipping over their water source. Today we let them go for their first swim and they were definitely not sure at first but then they didn't want me to take them out! I think they might be annoyed with me because I have had a busy two days and haven't played with them as much, although I do take them out and hold them for a bit. DH says "They're in adolescence now! They've become hooligans!"
Will upload swimming vids shortly.
We just recently acquired 2 ducklings. Right now they are in the back yard w a pen around them. Provided a cardboard box and some straw/hay. They seem to stay in the hay and not the box at nite. Is this normal?
Also, I am kind of worried about the droppings and salmonella. How do you handle them and get them more like pets without the chance of bringing in salmonella? Plus we have 2 small dogs that go out in the back yard also. I don't want them bringing in the salmonella or on our shoes. How do I remedy this? Also have a light on them for the nite while it is still a bit chilly. Does this interfere with their body clocks?
Is this right that you take away their water/feed at nite? Thanks for the help
We just recently acquired 2 ducklings. Right now they are in the back yard w a pen around them. Provided a cardboard box and some straw/hay. They seem to stay in the hay and not the box at nite. Is this normal?
Also, I am kind of worried about the droppings and salmonella. How do you handle them and get them more like pets without the chance of bringing in salmonella? Plus we have 2 small dogs that go out in the back yard also. I don't want them bringing in the salmonella or on our shoes. How do I remedy this? Also have a light on them for the nite while it is still a bit chilly. Does this interfere with their body clocks?
Is this right that you take away their water/feed at nite? Thanks for the help

If they are ducklings, it is not good to take away their water and feed at night, or at any time, not until they are about 10 weeks old, and then only for 8 hours or so.

I am concerned about their safety. What is the pen like? Predators will reach through chain link, or bend chicken wire, and pull ducks out piece by piece. Owls can come in if there is no top on the pen.

Salmonella doesn't have to be a mystery. Take stool samples to the vet and have them tested. If they have it, have them treated. Then you are all set.
Thelma and Louise are now eight days old and they are bored, I think. They have started flipping over their water source. Today we let them go for their first swim and they were definitely not sure at first but then they didn't want me to take them out! I think they might be annoyed with me because I have had a busy two days and haven't played with them as much, although I do take them out and hold them for a bit. DH says "They're in adolescence now! They've become hooligans!"
Will upload swimming vids shortly.
Hooligans? Sounds right.

I know it is a bad picture, but I got some Rouen ducklings at a hatchery and one of them has a orange/red bump thing on its stomach. is it the yolk that didn't get all the way absorbed? Should i take it off, or will it fall off? Any information is greatly appreciated!!! (that little red dot in the center of the picture)

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