Raising Baby Chick-Along

Mine are testing their flying skills as well...my white leghorn (5 weeks) keeps attempting to set sail and fly off into the sunset...luckily she is well contained but boy, those "teens" want to spread their wings and go! Like they're thinking "I'm outta here, mom!" :plbb
Yeah - I feel your pain!! The other morning, I went out to let the "Roo-zoo" out of their coop and spied movement behind the fence. Then, a white flash came flying into the yard! Apparently, one of my 55 Flowery cockerels was out of the yard all night long! My husband had put them to bed the night before, so "Mr. Fly Boy" must have been out of the yard then too!! Thankfully none of our local predators detected the bright white little flapper and made a tasty treat of him. We haven't had that problem for the last few nights - could it be that "Mr. Wings" might have frightened himself with his all night shenanigans and perhaps learned a little lesson? Hmmm. Probably not.
Three weeks old, and all 25 growing quickly. Pics are just before brooder cleaning and improvement. Enlarging it, adding roosts, changing a few things to accommodate their growth. The coop and run should be ready soon, and they'll be in it ASAP. They are loving greens, most garden veggies, bugs. It's so much fun to see them get acquainted with anything new. It's easy to tell who is boldest and who is smart enough to let others investigate but quickly jumps in before the most timid. Cagey little cluckers! E0338344-3A65-4018-9D3D-1FA9BFC2B062-6838-000015CE69D98380.jpeg 941DAC8B-AEB0-44E0-BE23-293EEAF7E542-6838-000015CE7ABD7829.jpeg 5DCBEAE5-451B-4889-AC1E-DD7C7490A85B-6838-000015CE844C05BC.jpeg 7A9BC4C4-49C8-4704-AA6E-6BA09EB89552-6838-000015CE8D48DA76.jpeg 08279F7D-1DF0-425C-A06B-CF6528E6CC36-6838-000015CE944353F8.jpeg 37E51EFE-ED23-4FFA-9A72-5AB388AB0408-6838-000015CE9B87556B.jpeg C5AE03E6-77FF-4BA4-81C3-95669DB94D90-6838-000015CEC0429955.jpeg Everyone looks very healthy and normal. No supplemental heat since last week, temps now 82-93 F. I seldom see anyone in either huddle box, though they seem to lay near each other, often stretching their necks across a sister's back. They often sleep all stretched out, not looking chilled at all. Lots of wing, shoulder, tail feathers. A couple look pretty ragged from losing down and just having sheathed quilling so far, but I know that passes. It's getting to be that awkward phase.

Hope y'all are enjoying yours as much as I'm enjoying mine! I've seen lots of great pics and updates from you, so it looks like you are all doing well too. :ya:clap:celebrate
@AUChickenGal the dark one on the left with the pale spot on her head looks just like my cuckoo Maran chicks. :pop Can't wait to see what else hatches!

The one with a head spot hatched out of a dark brown (almost Welsummer colored) egg labeled "Mad Scientist", so it's anyone's guess. One of the breeds MPC lists for that assortment is something called a Cuckoo Bluebar, so maybe that's what it is? The one on the right hatched out of a fairly dark, very green egg labeled Olive Egger. The three remaining are a Lemon Cuckoo Niederrheiner (the tan egg), and one more of both the Mad Scientist and Olive Egger, both blue.
This thread is awesome, I'm kinda new to raising chickens, I had chickens before, but only recently I decided to give it a try again, I wanted to share a pic of my babies, I got them 3 days ago, I think they're between 1 week and 2 weeks old, but I'm not sure, here they are in their brooder :)

I LOVE when all you see are fluffy butts:love CONGRATS!!!

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