Raising Baby Chick-Along

Morning all!! My 2 broody babies are quite the adventurers. They spend most of the day running around their little enclosure. Mom hangs out in the hamper/nesting box.

So, just a little rant.... - I love the rain. I love when it rains. We need the rain. But when was the last time it rained in July in Southern CA? Why didn't the weather channel TELL us it MIGHT rain.....???????

I have NO ROOF.

They are replacing it and the permit guy is coming this morning, which they have to inspect this stage, before we can put the tiles on. I spent the night at my friend's house, and I woke up to THUNDER and POURING rain. Fortunately for us, it is quick bursts that went through and radar shows there isn't anything further coming our way. The BAD part is, there wasn't enough rain to help put out any of the fires in the area.
@WVduckchick - again, I would like to sing a song called "Nutri Drench, How I love Thee" I tell ya, if you're going to raise Chickens,having a bottle on hand, especially with wacko changes in weather and other immunity taxers, this stuff is worth its weight in gold.
Anybody who looks a little fatigued or under the weather gets a dose, and in a few hours, they're back to their ornry selves again!
So great!! I wonder what mamma duck was thinking when she left with the pipper still peeping? Guess the other 4 just couldn't wait. At any rate they are so adorable, and you still have green grass!! We aren't on irrigation, so the only things that are green right now are the lawn (haha - lawn, that's a good one...more like, what's left after the dog and chickens have dug around!!) and the areas around the bases of our fruit trees. It got really dry, really fast here. Praying wildfire season doesn't venture this direction (seems like all of California is on fire yet again), because we have several neighbors who did not mow the crazy tall grass on their properties. Ugh.

I'm not sure what she was thinking! :barnie But she's a great momma. Honestly, I watched her so closely, she kept trying to run me off (hence her nickname "Dragon" Juice) so she kept getting up and the 4 prior hatchers were running around. I think she just got tired of waiting, or didn't think it was going to hatch. Its still not out of the woods, hatched with a little swollen belly that I thought might be infected, but looks good today. Has a little splay leg, but I've been giving the miracle Nutridrench, so I'm very hopeful! :fl

Morning all!! My 2 broody babies are quite the adventurers. They spend most of the day running around their little enclosure. Mom hangs out in the hamper/nesting box.

So, just a little rant.... - I love the rain. I love when it rains. We need the rain. But when was the last time it rained in July in Southern CA? Why didn't the weather channel TELL us it MIGHT rain.....???????

I have NO ROOF.

They are replacing it and the permit guy is coming this morning, which they have to inspect this stage, before we can put the tiles on. I spent the night at my friend's house, and I woke up to THUNDER and POURING rain. Fortunately for us, it is quick bursts that went through and radar shows there isn't anything further coming our way. The BAD part is, there wasn't enough rain to help put out any of the fires in the area.

Oh good grief! We've had so much rain, glad you only get a few showers with no roof! I'm not sure how people around me replace roofs. Its hard to go 2 days without any!

Good luck!! :hugs

@WVduckchick - again, I would like to sing a song called "Nutri Drench, How I love Thee" I tell ya, if you're going to raise Chickens,having a bottle on hand, especially with wacko changes in weather and other immunity taxers, this stuff is worth its weight in gold.
Anybody who looks a little fatigued or under the weather gets a dose, and in a few hours, they're back to their ornry selves again!

Hahaha! I just happened to be there at the right time to suggest the stuff to you. I wish I owned stock in it though, cause it is some goooood stuff! If the 5th little duckling had hatched outside, I'm not sure it would have survived with out good ole ND!
Morning all!! My 2 broody babies are quite the adventurers. They spend most of the day running around their little enclosure. Mom hangs out in the hamper/nesting box.

So, just a little rant.... - I love the rain. I love when it rains. We need the rain. But when was the last time it rained in July in Southern CA? Why didn't the weather channel TELL us it MIGHT rain.....???????

I have NO ROOF.

They are replacing it and the permit guy is coming this morning, which they have to inspect this stage, before we can put the tiles on. I spent the night at my friend's house, and I woke up to THUNDER and POURING rain. Fortunately for us, it is quick bursts that went through and radar shows there isn't anything further coming our way. The BAD part is, there wasn't enough rain to help put out any of the fires in the area.
I was just thinking about you when the news mentioned Goleta had fires right now. The only bright side to your storm (and seriously, maybe just a heads up on the news might have been nice) is that the thunder and lightning was actually accompanied by rain. We get those ugly dry lightning storms and poof, everything's on fire!
@WVduckchick - we get no rain - at all - it seems at times. I know that in rainy climates they cover the roof with tarps and things. That wasn't done here, since NOTHING was anticipated.

@orrpeople - this was the weirdest storm! It rained SUPER hard in Thousand Oaks, lightly in Simi, and NOT AT ALL in San Fernando valley. At least everyone I work with that drive from that area said they didn't have any rain at all. Even folks north of me - from Oxnard - said they didn't get any rain. Which means I don't think Goleta got any help. We don't get too many lightning strike fires down here. No dry heat storms like that. Any time we have lightning (which is rare) it connected to a heavy downpour.
Four weeks old today! I was out of town for most of last week, and I can't believe how much they changed in just six days! The Delaware has the softest feathers I've ever felt - I hope she stays that way! The Faverolles is VERY shy and afraid of her own shadow, thus the terrible picture; hopefully she'll eventually grow out of that.

Four weeks old today! I was out of town for most of last week, and I can't believe how much they changed in just six days! The Delaware has the softest feathers I've ever felt - I hope she stays that way! The Faverolles is VERY shy and afraid of her own shadow, thus the terrible picture; hopefully she'll eventually grow out of that.

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Aww, they grow up so fast! Very cute little ones! :)
This thread is awesome, I'm kinda new to raising chickens, I had chickens before, but only recently I decided to give it a try again, I wanted to share a pic of my babies, I got them 3 days ago, I think they're between 1 week and 2 weeks old, but I'm not sure, here they are in their brooder :)

This thread is awesome, I'm kinda new to raising chickens, I had chickens before, but only recently I decided to give it a try again, I wanted to share a pic of my babies, I got them 3 days ago, I think they're between 1 week and 2 weeks old, but I'm not sure, here they are in their brooder :)

Awww - precious littles!! Tell us about them! Breeds? Where you got them? Plans for them? If you can describe wing/tail feather growth, there are folks on here that can give you a pretty good idea of how old they are. Welcome!! :frowSo glad you've joined us!

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