Raising Baby Chick-Along

I've let the littles out into the chicken yard because the girls are done laying eggs for today. It's warm out there so they're hiding in the shade. I go out to check on them from time to time.
Anyone giving their littles treats? I gave the chicks the end of a pumpkin yesterday and a piece of watermelon today and they gobbled them up. I also gave them a little piece of dried out french bread one day. They pecked out all the innards and left the crust. They love mustard greens, dill, thyme, parsley and broccoli.
Speaking of growing up quickly...Guess who I caught investigating the nest boxes and even singing a little abbreviated egg song this morning? Reba! (Picture isn't great due to lighting, but she's the RIR.) She'll be 16 weeks old on Monday! Seems a little young, but she has started showing some pretty rapid comb and wattle development, and I know the production reds tend to be fairly precocious.


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