Raising Chickens and Special Needs Kids

Wanna see something really funny? Just got her school pictures back this morning and she looks 8 years old, I'm not kidding!!

Wow Blooie, I can only barely understand the panic you must have gone through in the ER. We've had our own issues in the ER, but nothing like that. What a trooper she is!!!! She is such a beautiful, strong little girl.

I hope that you are able to make something that can help protect the tubing . I also hope that all the doctor appts line up, and that the weather stays cooperative!!

Lots and lots of hugs to little Kendra!! And to the rest of the family!!
Haven't been in here for a while. Kendra is reading!

See that you spent some time in the ER..never fun. You know I know how it was for you. These kids go through so much. When something happens..they just let us know, and then off we go. Bless their hearts. Waiting for some Dr. to...fix..something. Then, off they go, back home. And..all is well. All is well. :)
Hi Cynthia! Yeah, it's been awhile for me, too. Not much new to report for all of our special kids, I guess, and for us that's generally GOOD news! We've settle down into a new normal - again! Boy, the one thing we learn first with our little ones is how to be flexible, isn't it? Kendra is doing fine with the Foley inserted in place of the Chait, and Jenny actually thinks it's easier to use than the original plastic cap. She doesn't have to open it to do the enema and aside from sitting on the toilet for 40 minutes or so afterwards Kendra barely notices that it's being done. Something to talk to Denver about, that's for sure. It's a bit harder to deal with the two tubes sticking out of her, though, and her skin is starting to break down a little where they have to tape it into place. They gave Jenny a bunch of little packets of adhesive remover to help get the old bandage off, and a skin protectant to put on before the new one goes on, but after this much time it isn't making that much difference anymore.

Trip to Denver is still on for December 17, which also happens to be Katie's birthday. We are doing Katie's birthday party this weekend and the kids are taking her and some Christmas gifts with them this time just in case they get snowed in down there. Please, friends, let's all pray for good weather!

Took this picture a couple of weeks ago. Katie's Silkie rooster, Smudge, managed to get a bit of wire tangled in his leg feathers so Ken brought him in to get the wire off before it did any damage to his legs. Kendra went crazy - "Bird, bird!" She identifies the chickens fine, but to her Silkies don't look like chickens, therefore they must be birds of another kind!

So now that I've updated - long overdue, I admit, how about updates on the rest of the kids? Richard? Jesse? Grace? Anyone?
Aww, she loves her...bird! :)

Well, Richard is a very happy person these days. His health has been good..knock on wood.

These are photos that he was asked to come and video tape. See the guys? Not sure if anyone has heard of ..Gentri.. before. Look them up on youtube. We have one of their CD's. Love them. And the girl? She has a voice you wouldn't believe for a 14 yr. old! That's the girl in the photo with Gentri. Look her up on youtube too. She has a real neat video that she made..singing the frozen song..younger! She is singing with Ales Boye..which Richard also has photos with. He just loves this stuff.

This is my favorite photo of him yet with his friends. Blooie, he looks soo happy.

You will love this..maybe you've heard/seen it before. Gentri..

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Well, duh, Cynthia.. he looks happy because he IS happy! He's got good friends, an occupation he loves, and he's got a joy within him that just shines through! What a great kid, and how lucky is is to have you for a mom! He's stolen a piece of my heart, too! And it's really good to read that his health continues to improve. That last UTI was a doozy!

I'll have to look up those singers....they are all new names to me.
Just click on that link right there. You will love it! Dare To Dream..just like our kids have..and are. This little girl is doing great.
Wow, Blooie and Cynthia what wonderful news and wonderful stories. That is too bad about the skin issues. That must be so uncomfortable - she is such a trooper!! And Cynthis - Richard looks like he is so happy. That is great he gets to spend time doing something he loves! Great photos from both of you!!!! I first heard Gentri about 6 months ago. What an amazing sound.

On my end, everything is WONDERFUL. We signed up for 4H, and we are working with one of my silkies to show. I think I will be doing most of the showing, but she is learning how to handle the chickens. It should be fun. She had a great time at soccer this summer, although she still likes to watch the ball roll by, rather than kick it. Mostly it was just more fun to hang out with her teammates. In this one we had more kids than the other team, so Jess had to wear a cover jersey and play for them. But she spent a lot of the game fraternizing with her teammate. The two of them stood there chatting for a few minutes, then her friend took Jess's hand and walked with her over to where the ball was....

Here she is with some of her other teammates at a very rainy VIP tournament. One of the coaches was trying to get one of the boys to take a photo with the turtle and he wouldn't go. I asked, if Jess went, would he, and he said SURE! Once the two went out, the boy's twin went out, and then another kid followed. Soon the rest of the team all joined them (My camera was full and didn't take the rest of the group - I just got the first 4 kids).

We are signed up to play little league for the first time. Every single kid on her soccer team is also on the little league team, so she will have some familiar faces.
I hope that things continue to go smoothly for both of you. Blooie, I hope that the trip to Denver is uneventful, and that things go smoothly. Cynthia - keep sharing those videos - Jess LOVES watching them!
Wow, she is keeping busy Jessi! Great photos. Soccer game story..too cute...ball rolling by!
She's a cutie..love the long hair.

I have a mentally handicapped sister. Not sure if I shared the horror story of almost losing her a couple of yrs. ago to drowning. Last place she was at..not there any longer because of them taking her to a lake! No life jackets. A guy in the water turned, saw her floating face down in the water. Luckily, there was a lady there that saw it all..she had worked in a home for people like my Lisa..she did CPR on her..got her to start breathing again, shallow, but breathing until paramedics got there. When I first went into the ER and saw her, I thought she was gone for sure. The DR. couldn't make any promises. But, that gal, pulled through. Had to have therapy, she's back to our Lisa. It was a close call. Anyway, that long story to say...she used to have long hair, I try and have her keep it short now. She is 50 now. Very loving of course. I can hear her little chuckle now as I type. Pretty cute. I had her for 2 yrs. after mom passed..I had said I would take her when she did. I tired, but I just couldn't do it. After 2 yrs. I put her in this home. Trusting them. Of course I had people come and visit her while she was still in the hospital that were from a different home. She went straight to this home after being in another facility for therapy. I love this place she is in now. I am her Guardian. I make all of the decisions for her.

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