Raising Chickens to Hens for the first time! (Maryland)


Mike after researching and getting your coop built, This is the link into the education center on raising healthy birds. (another fun part) I also recommend reading a few articles on chick care. There are some people that do things differently depending on climate etc. You'll need to weigh their opinions with about 4-5 other articles to see if they are oddballs or the general consensus. LOL. This will be true with about everything you do on BYC. There is always a 'strong opinion' person giving their own best advice and sometimes they are giving you the wrong information because of climate or your goals. etc. etc. I have found that the state threads are very helpful because they are your 'own' people that deal with similar climate and breeds. And you'll find alot of the 'old boys' and 'gals' giving good advice.

Good luck in your endeavors! Keep us posted. Ask questions anytime!
~Bogtown Chick
(or as Blooie calls me Boggie :gig-- Hey Blooie I am reminded to make Chislic right now! :drool)

And I'm afraid I'm one of those "strong opinion person" types. :oops: However, one thing I've learned (finally) is to temper my responses somewhat. I have tried harder to become more disciplined about saying, "You are there, I am not. You know your setup, your situation, and your personal comfort zone better than I do." Then I go on to share what it is that I do. I do things much, much differently than most....at least I did when I still had my chickens. Lots of people thought I was crazy throwing away my heat lamp permanently. Lots of people thought I was crazy for putting chicks outside without a heat lamp in Northwestern Wyoming when temps were still low. Lots of people thought I was crazy for integrating my chicks by 3 weeks old and having total integration by 4 weeks. And lots of people think that tossing out the chicken books and relying instead on plain old common sense was crazy. But it was my setup, my situation, and my own personal comfort zone. I agree wholeheartedly with finding your state thread. There is a lot of information on BYC. But if there was only one "right" way to raise chickens, this forum wouldn't need to exist.

And Boggie, if you make chislic, don't forget the cold beer to go with it! ;)
Hello. Don't know if this helps but I am nearby in PA just across the MD border. I got 4 day old chicks 3/23/17 (Black Australorp, Buff Orpington, Speckled Sussex & Easter Egger) and kept them in a brooder inside until 4/11 when we started going out for a few hours during the day. They started staying outside on 4/27 but as you know we had a warm spring last year.


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When are they normally fully feathered? Week 6,7,8? I know its probably a exact sience but I just want to do my best at timing this the best I can for my first time.
Typically at five weeks given they grew up 'normally'. I'm a huge softy for chickens so I keep them in the grow out brooder for an additional week or two just to be sure. Usually they get really tired of seeing my face..kind of like a teenager.
And I'm afraid I'm one of those "strong opinion person" types. :oops: However, one thing I've learned (finally) is to temper my responses somewhat. I have tried harder to become more disciplined about saying, "You are there, I am not. You know your setup, your situation, and your personal comfort zone better than I do." Then I go on to share what it is that I do. I do things much, much differently than most....at least I did when I still had my chickens. Lots of people thought I was crazy throwing away my heat lamp permanently. Lots of people thought I was crazy for putting chicks outside without a heat lamp in Northwestern Wyoming when temps were still low. Lots of people thought I was crazy for integrating my chicks by 3 weeks old and having total integration by 4 weeks. And lots of people think that tossing out the chicken books and relying instead on plain old common sense was crazy. But it was my setup, my situation, and my own personal comfort zone. I agree wholeheartedly with finding your state thread. There is a lot of information on BYC. But if there was only one "right" way to raise chickens, this forum wouldn't need to exist.

And Boggie, if you make chislic, don't forget the cold beer to go with it! ;)
I'm the exact same way and to make it worse I tend to type very dry and blunt..I am also working on that aspect.
Ok. Step 1. Starting brooder for 9 chicks. 2ft 2inch high 5 ft in circumference. Baby gate and tarp underneath. 1 inch us widest hole in gate.

How long do I have before they can leap this?


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Many of mine would be over it at three weeks, and bantam chicks could easily get through those openings. Set up a cover right away! It could be in two sections, so you could open one side only at a time.
If you have dogs or cats, really up the security!
Many of mine would be over it at three weeks, and bantam chicks could easily get through those openings. Set up a cover right away! It could be in two sections, so you could open one side only at a time.
If you have dogs or cats, really up the security!

Week 1 I will start them in a big box inside this with no side holes. I will get chicken wire to put over top before I get chicks. How high should a broader be for chicks up to 8 weeks old before they go into the coop outside?
Have them outside much sooner than eight weeks! Use hardware cloth for everything, not chicken wire which is a waste of money and time.
Mine go out to the coop at three weeks, in their own area, with a heat source. They are integrated into the flock by six or seven weeks, and are flying up as high as eight feet during that time.
When do I start this process in Maryland? Meaning when is it safe to take them outside where they can handle any temperature? I read that Week 5 as long as the temperature does not fall below 60..... Is there a week like 6, 7, or 8 that it no longer matters? I will also be getting a bread that can handle Maryland weather all year when adults.

I have Barred Rocks here in southern Indiana. They seem impervious to the wet winters we have here. I also have a Red Star and a Barnevelder (who only lays in summer) who have also been acclimated to the weather here nicely.

When are they normally fully feathered? Week 6,7,8? I know its probably a exact sience but I just want to do my best at timing this the best I can for my first time.

Depends on the breed, really but that time frame sounds about correct. As long as you are doing everything thats recommended feedwise they should be fully feathered in that time frame and ready to go out. In the meantime, I'd take them outside for a few moments every other day or even every day to let them get used to the idea of being outside. Also, if it's above freezing then I wouldn't worry too much about them even when they are fully feathered. Chickens are surprisingly resilient, I've noticed.

Are you suppose to close the door to the coop at night thats connected to the closed in run?

Shut the coop every night when they turn in. Usually when the sun goes down your birds should naturally just "put themselves away". Mine do and I just go out there and close the door for the night. In the morning when I wake up (anywhere between sun up and noon) I go out there and let them out to roam in my yard. I check for eggs, check water/food and greet them. Throughout the day I'll toss a handful of cracked corn/oats/eggshells out there for them to graze on. They usually run to my door when they hear it open ready and waiting for their snacks. LOL.

On warmer days, I'll grab a cup of coffee, chair, book and go sit out on the patio. The younger girls will come sit on my feet or the back of the chair while I read. Other days I do the bare minimum if it's a busy day. I'm a stay-at-home mom...so my girls gets TONS of attention. ;)

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