Raising Geese 101

jynxster you always have wonderful and insightful things to share, how sad I felt hearing about the gander in your story but happy too that he was saved.I thought about my gander and I wonder if people ever think that these animals are not only for us to eat but also for us to care for, how can we walk about so blind to our place in this world. I enjoy my Geese and Chickens they are wonderful pets and they always greet me so joyfully as I come outside, though Im sure its all for some good treats but they also give me treats in the form of wonderful eggs and some will one day be a dinner . I was so happy to find this web site because of all the things you can learn from all the wonderful people on here, thanks to everyone on here for there great posts and questions because it is always a great help to us first timers.
I would like to raise some geese for their eggs and weeding ability(and possibly meat) and was wondering a couple things

is it true that geese can survive mostly off grass and weeds, and what are the pasture size requirements for geese?
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nuthen, 80% of a goose's diet should be grass/weeds, with a couple of cups daily of grain/complete feed supplement. They graze all day long, just like horses. If you have good pasture, an acre can support up to 30 geese.
. Iain Utah has given you excellent information and I hope it answered all you needed to know.
I don't either but I still raise geese. I only have 6 at this point but they are doing fine.
Nuthen, depending on the breed of geese, they can do quite well in small yards, too. For instance, my dewlap toulouse, who are on the lazy side, do quite well in small yards. You could get away with a yard as small as 50' x 50' for a few geese, but it requires more maintenance than a pasture.

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