Raising Geese 101

My first goslings.......and poults and ducks
(not my first chicks) Don't worry, they've been split up into 2 brooder pens...1 for terrestrials and 1 for waterfowl! Wow, people aren't kidding when the say those water birds are messy!!!!! These are just feed store babies and were listed as "assorted". Am I right in guessing these are probably Toulouse? They are about 3wks now and we LOVE them!!!! I would like to ask what behavior I should be squashing at this point. They like to come up to us and talk back and, like puppies, take everything in their mouths! They pull on our pants frequently and if they get too exuberant I just kind of lightly grab their bills or tap the top with my finger (again lightly). We can't get over how much personality they have and, dare I say, intellegence we see in those eyes! DH still has no hope that they won't be evil!

My first goslings.......and poults and ducks
(not my first chicks) Don't worry, they've been split up into 2 brooder pens...1 for terrestrials and 1 for waterfowl! Wow, people aren't kidding when the say those water birds are messy!!!!! These are just feed store babies and were listed as "assorted". Am I right in guessing these are probably Toulouse? They are about 3wks now and we LOVE them!!!! I would like to ask what behavior I should be squashing at this point. They like to come up to us and talk back and, like puppies, take everything in their mouths! They pull on our pants frequently and if they get too exuberant I just kind of lightly grab their bills or tap the top with my finger (again lightly). We can't get over how much personality they have and, dare I say, intellegence we see in those eyes! DH still has no hope that they won't be evil!
They are adorable, and a bit young for much training, geese want to put everything in their mouths since they don't have hands to feel with. Biting and nipping is normal, just make dicipline appropriate to age, but for when they start really getting bold here is an excellent link to training alot of us have had success with. Sorry not sure on breed, but they sure are cute. https://www.backyardchickens.com/t/561849/geese-training
Most important is not to hand feed. as this gets them into mold of nipping and biting.
It is hard to tell but I wondered if it was african or brown chinese due to the way the one in the front was standing. Cute! Goslings are by far my favorite poultry to raise so far.
i want to know what is the difference between geese and ducks as they look similar in physical appearance?
Ducks and Geese are extremely different. Geese are seasonal layers, larger in size, usually quite a bit more expensive.
Well most domestic ducks can't fly. My pekin ducks with hopping and flapping they still don't get off the ground. Geese are a little different I have an American Buff gander(male) He can fly about up about 1 foot high and a distance of about 50 feet if he really wants to. My American Buff goose once flew about a 100 yards while 20 feet off the ground. She promptly had her feathers clipped. Many geese are not able to really fly after a year old because they become too heavy.

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