Raising Geese 101

Hey guys long time no see but guess what my geese are laying already so im going to incubate i made a homemade one and im waiting on my 5 egg so prob on Friday be able to put 1st batch in
Thanks for the heads up. I actually wrote to the owner of the Toulouse and they wrote me back. Here is what they said:

"As far as the relationship between the Toulouse and the African grey geese I am not sure. We have had them with some Emden geese before with no problems. They are very independent birds. We have never had any problems with aggression. We have a total of 6 pair for sale. They are approximately 9-10 months old and would be ready for breeding this coming spring time. They set and raise their young very well."

I suppose I have to buy the pair so on that note I suppose that I could have problems with the male female thing like you mentioned. I am considering going to buy them. I have wanted to increase my flock anyway. Dolly has an ok today - battle mode tomorrow with the chickens. I finally just stopped putting them together. It acted like it was the keeper or something but every now and them would just crab one and beat it up. I am expanding the yard for more animals so it is just a matter of time when the geese will have way more room to run. Just don't want to travel and buy the Toulouse only to have Dolly hurt them. I just want it to have a playmate or buddy. I am new to all this anyway. BTW Dolly has been known to chase me a few times too. l Got a bit beat up once or twice but overall we get along. I like it.

The sex of my goose is a male. We named it a females name because we did not know from the feed store what sex it was

when it was little. Been two years now calling it Dolly so what the heck. I am assuming it's a male cuz it hasn't laid eggs in two years.
Thanks for the heads up. I actually wrote to the owner of the Toulouse and they wrote me back. Here is what they said:

"As far as the relationship between the Toulouse and the African grey geese I am not sure. We have had them with some Emden geese before with no problems. They are very independent birds. We have never had any problems with aggression. We have a total of 6 pair for sale. They are approximately 9-10 months old and would be ready for breeding this coming spring time. They set and raise their young very well."

I suppose I have to buy the pair so on that note I suppose that I could have problems with the male female thing like you mentioned. I am considering going to buy them. I have wanted to increase my flock anyway. Dolly has an ok today - battle mode tomorrow with the chickens. I finally just stopped putting them together. It acted like it was the keeper or something but every now and them would just crab one and beat it up. I am expanding the yard for more animals so it is just a matter of time when the geese will have way more room to run. Just don't want to travel and buy the Toulouse only to have Dolly hurt them. I just want it to have a playmate or buddy. I am new to all this anyway. BTW Dolly has been known to chase me a few times too. l Got a bit beat up once or twice but overall we get along. I like it.

The sex of my goose is a male. We named it a females name because we did not know from the feed store what sex it was

when it was little. Been two years now calling it Dolly so what the heck. I am assuming it's a male cuz it hasn't laid eggs in two years.
Dolly's knob says that she is a he. So, he may have some problems with the Toulouse gander during breeding season. One thing you might try is check with the owner of the Toulouse and see if he has an odd female of any breed he would be willing to part with. You also may want to figure a way to provide the Toulouse pair with their own bedding space initially so that they can adjust to not only the new surroundings but to having that handsome male next door. If you are able to get a female for Dolly then that would also allow them the space and time to bond. Once that is done, you should have no problem integrating them...except during breeding season. At that time you will want to allow them separate quarters or one of the males may kidnap the other females eggs/goslings to give to his mate. You are facing a challenge but not one that can't be overcome with some creative management.

Good luck.
Thanks for the heads up. I actually wrote to the owner of the Toulouse and they wrote me back. Here is what they said: "As far as the relationship between the Toulouse and the African grey geese I am not sure. We have had them with some Emden geese before with no problems. They are very independent birds. We have never had any problems with aggression. We have a total of 6 pair for sale. They are approximately 9-10 months old and would be ready for breeding this coming spring time. They set and raise their young very well." I suppose I have to buy the pair so on that note I suppose that I could have problems with the male female thing like you mentioned. I am considering going to buy them. I have wanted to increase my flock anyway. Dolly has an ok today - battle mode tomorrow with the chickens. I finally just stopped putting them together. It acted like it was the keeper or something but every now and them would just crab one and beat it up. I am expanding the yard for more animals so it is just a matter of time when the geese will have way more room to run. Just don't want to travel and buy the Toulouse only to have Dolly hurt them. I just want it to have a playmate or buddy. I am new to all this anyway. BTW Dolly has been known to chase me a few times too. l Got a bit beat up once or twice but overall we get along. I like it. The sex of my goose is a male. We named it a females name because we did not know from the feed store what sex it was when it was little. Been two years now calling it Dolly so what the heck. I am assuming it's a male cuz it hasn't laid eggs in two years.
That knob looks like a female but ur saying male here's a pick of my male and female chinese
I see what you mean. I said that it was a male because it hasn't laid eggs in the two years I've had it. Another member here said it was a male because of the knob. I am clueless for real. Love your geese. I'm building a new pen and housing now so I can get more.
Alright thank you for the fast response, as I normally do not start getting egg's till after the first of January but we are getting a lot of rain this year more then usual about two inches this year and for the last four years we have been getting between four to six inches of rain all year and all that rain came in a two week period ....

Good luck on your hatch and please take some pictures for us ....

Some of my photos from last year and it was a joy hatching them
and watching them grow .......

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Alright thank you for the fast response, as I normally do not start getting egg's till after the first of January but we are getting a lot of rain this year more then usual about two inches this year and for the last four years we have been getting between four to six inches of rain all year and all that rain came in a two week period ....

Good luck on your hatch and please take some pictures for us ....

Some of my photos from last year and it was a joy hatching them
and watching them grow .......

Such sweet pics gander007

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