Raising Geese 101

The one gosling is acting strange keeps falling around, it was fine the whole day now it is like this we think it might have gotten heat stroke as it is a bit better now but still struggling to walk
Poor thing. make sure to keep fresh cool water close by. You don't think it could have eaten something toxic? Plants?
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The one gosling is acting strange keeps falling around, it was fine the whole day now it is like this we think it might have gotten heat stroke as it is a bit better now but still struggling to walk

sounds like weak leg this has happened to me several times over the years ....

Have you been feeding them goslings scrambled or boiled eggs this will give them a lot of vitamins and minerals otherwise hard to get .....

That is what these goslings are eating in this picture .......

I have found the health of my chicks goslings, ducks chickens or kits all do much better with their health in the early months of life which carries over to adulthood .........

Oh this is a old time tech-neck I learned from my grandpa some 50 years and the health of my flock is so much better then the times I for get or get to busy to do so .....

Also check for bug bites or wounds to the goslings leg or body ..

Thanks checked him from head to toe no bites, also nothing toxic or poisonous. They have water to swim in and lots of drinking water. We are suffering through a heatwave at the moment. He is getting better now its getting cooler.

Mine have adults to lead them around and after eating in the morning they tend to go under the sheds or vehicles to stay cool but a shallow pool and only needs to be an inch deep or 25 mm to keep their bottom side cool as much deeper with out an adult supervision could drown .....

Supervised swimming ....

You can get them wet next time to cool them off sounds like your goslings were getting close to a heat casualty not a genetic problem or being hurt from running around ...

Do you have other birds in the yard ??

My mixed flock .....

I have Silkies and Australirps, they are with the Silkies at the moment my black hen sort of adopted them. The one that had heatstroke often wonders off from the rest I think he ventured out in the sun when the rest were in the shade. We covered the entire enclosure with shade netting so I wont happen again.
I have Silkies and Australirps, they are with the Silkies at the moment my black hen sort of adopted them. The one that had heatstroke often wonders off from the rest I think he ventured out in the sun when the rest were in the shade. We covered the entire enclosure with shade netting so I wont happen again.
@Nanna34 are you giving your goslings Brewers yeast? I can't remember if you said. A niacin deficiency can cause leg weakness too.

I am glad to hear he is doing better.

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