Raising Guinea Fowl 101

@perchie.girl Thought you may get a kick out of this.

Momma Welsummer finished raising the keets and went back to laying and roosting in the big coop. Meanwhile, Willie Roo, former king of the flock who was recently dethroned by his son and no longer allowed in the big coop has moved into the broody coop at night to roost. Well, turns out, those guineas LOVE Willie. And he loves them. Sometimes the guineas roost in the pine tree. They make the most awful racket (DH says it sounds like a wounded duck) if they get down from the tree before Willie is let out of the coop in the morning.

Introducing "Papa Willie." Please excuse his rough appearance. I have a hen who thinks she has a future in cosmetology. Any beard, sickle or saddle feather she can get near gets a trim.

Awesome.... Papa Willie.... IN the wild the Bachelor flock does some of the tweenager training....

First hatch! For me and for Thelma!

I happened to see the first keet hatch, while walking past. She started picking at the keet, so I took it away. She's still on the clutch, but I'm concerned now.

I put the keet under the warmer. Concerned for it, too.

I guess I should keep checking throughout the evening for more keets? What would you do?
First hatch! For me and for Thelma!

I happened to see the first keet hatch, while walking past. She started picking at the keet, so I took it away. She's still on the clutch, but I'm concerned now.

I put the keet under the warmer. Concerned for it, too.

I guess I should keep checking throughout the evening for more keets? What would you do?
Its risky to take them during hatch, they could "shrink wrap" and get stuck in the egg. Can be saved but its nerve wracking!. Once they are out I would snatch them up. Some hens just don't do well at first, others never "get it" My oldest girl was a really good mom from the start. I had a white hen that would kill her keets, very odd. She is no longer here for that reason!
Its risky to take them during hatch, they could "shrink wrap" and get stuck in the egg. Can be saved but its nerve wracking!. Once they are out I would snatch them up. Some hens just don't do well at first, others never "get it" My oldest girl was a really good mom from the start. I had a white hen that would kill her keets, very odd. She is no longer here for that reason!
Thanks, @jchny2000

The one that hatched seems to be doing well, but it hasn't eaten or had a drink yet, and I'm concerned that it doesn't have any company in the brooder.

It's dark out now, so I guess I will check on the nest in the morning. I'm worried they will hatch beneath her in her sleep and waddle their way away from her like this one did, and be too cold. :( I guess I will just check first thing in the morning and hope for the best for all.

Wow, this is really nerve-wracking, isn't it?
Quote: Yes it is! I been hatching 3 years now and I still peek in the windows nonstop. Broodies make me soooooo nervous. My scovys do an awesome job, and the turkey hens. Some of the chickens, but they can be so iffy! I have maybe 2 guinea hens I trust to hatch broods out of 5. I even have a broody pekin duck hen this year, not supposed to happen lol!
Thanks for the reply and the advice, it is appreciated . We got ours from Walmart too and it sounds like we got a similar model to yours. I also don't think that we would have very many Guineas right now if it weren't for the net. :)

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Yes it is! I been hatching 3 years now and I still peek in the windows nonstop. Broodies make me soooooo nervous. My scovys do an awesome job, and the turkey hens. Some of the chickens, but they can be so iffy! I have maybe 2 guinea hens I trust to hatch broods out of 5. I even have a broody pekin duck hen this year, not supposed to happen lol!
Well, this morning Miss Thelma is still on the nest. I heard something peeping beneath her, so I risked a look. I guess it was a keet inside the egg? Hoping I didn't screw anything up, but I was desperate. Baby keet under the brooder is doing well this morning. Trying to eat when I give it food, trying to drink from the dropper. I really want to give it some company, though. Poor little thing.

I guess I just need to leave Thelma alone and let her do her job until I see an actual keet. I don't want to tick her off so badly that she abandons the nest. If one was peeping, there could be more today, right? Still 29 eggs under her.
Yes, there should be some hatch. Thats a lotta eggs, so there may be a few duds. Had a chicken and guinea hen sharing a nest, but the guinea gave it up today, she was roosted with the other adults when I locked up. Am very relieved, the hen is a good mom.
They can be very determined broodies, so Thelma is holding out like she should be!
ETA if you want her to raise the keet, wait till after dark and slip it back under her, after others hatch out. Otherwise I would gather at least a few buddies from her hatch for him to have companions.
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You could try cooked chopped egg, and get him on "save a chick" or another electrolyte. Guinea are really hardy, so in this case it may be an internal thing you can't see. Sometimes this is referred to as a "failure to thrive" but its basically a weak keet. For a quick boost, sugar in the water, just a pinch will perk him up, and hopefully you can get food into him, good luck.

Thank for the input!
Yes, there should be some hatch. Thats a lotta eggs, so there may be a few duds. Had a chicken and guinea hen sharing a nest, but the guinea gave it up today, she was roosted with the other adults when I locked up. Am very relieved, the hen is a good mom.
They can be very determined broodies, so Thelma is holding out like she should be!
ETA if you want her to raise the keet, wait till after dark and slip it back under her, after others hatch out. Otherwise I would gather at least a few buddies from her hatch for him to have companions.
So far little peeper is the only hatch. He/she will be 2 day old today.

I saw an egg that had pipped this morning. Thelma has since tucked it back beneath her.

I guess she will give up when she gives up...or there might be more hatching today?

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