Raising Guinea Fowl 101

Baby grew 26 grams in 5 days and got a new splint. I guess he is gonna be ok. His morale was doing a number for a minute but ever since he got his new home he has been doing great. He thinks he runs this flocks. Crazy bird. He is an odd little guy. There is usually always one that just isnt like the rest. I am surprised the rest tolerate him. Though there are 2 that shelter him when need be.

I added on to the coop.

The bird that got attacked was treated and going to make a full recovery. Her skin is just now starting to grow back on her neck. Its halfway there. I will release her from icu into the add on and she can watch over baby and his siblings.

Baby raccoons squeezed through the wire a few nights ago. They are too small to kill a bird yet and by the time they do get big enough they wont fit through the wire anymore.

you should see the cars the slowly drive past our house because they want to see our guineas

The cars here seem to sped up and try to hit them....

I think I lost 4 keets today. The Keets, Ethel, my hen turkey was raising. We got 3 inches of rain in 4 hours, and we all know how bad rain is for keets.

I am hoping they are just hiding or staying out drinking and smoking dope like Keets do, and will be fine tomorrow...
Anyone wanting Guinea fowl needs to be advised... THEY ARE LOUD. I currently have 14! And not by choice.  My neighbors 7 decidedto move in.I only had 7. But What do you do? I love them all!But they do make a racket... consequently my husband sez no peacocks!

Once they mature usually 2 years they quiet down a lot. They realize leaves flying and the wind is not a threat, lol.
My Peafowl are awesome, and really quiet compared to the guineas. I have a pair, and just adore them. Usually the cock will sound off if somethings unusual, but the hen will honk loudly if there is a real danger.Peas are quieter than guinea.

Peace cocks are quieter?well ok,now I know. Crap. Only 2 guinea left here and they calmed down after the male passed.
I have a younger (1 year old) guinea hen that hatched her first keets yesterday. She is a light buff dundotte color and hatched 5 keets. The one on the far left by the mother, in the top picture looks like it is a buff color like the mother, as it is more tan, but I'm puzzled as to what color the other 4 are. (The potential fathers are either a pied pearl gray or a light lavender.) I wondered if someone has any idea as to what color they are. Their heads are a darker gray-brown with stripes but their bodies are a much lighter in color. I have never had or seen any keets this color before so maybe someone with more experience can help me out?

Here is another picture of three of them:

I have a younger (1 year old) guinea hen that hatched her first keets yesterday. She is a light buff dundotte color and hatched 5 keets. The one on the far left by the mother, in the top picture looks like it is a buff color like the mother, as it is more tan, but I'm puzzled as to what color the other 4 are. (The potential fathers are either a pied pearl gray or a light lavender.) I wondered if someone has any idea as to what color they are. Their heads are a darker gray-brown with stripes but their bodies are a much lighter in color. I have never had or seen any keets this color before so maybe someone with more experience can help me out?
Sorry but the photos are too low a resolution to tell anything.

Look over the color chart here to see if you recognize any of them. The keet pictures are lower down on the page.
Sorry but the photos are too low a resolution to tell anything.

Look over the color chart here to see if you recognize any of them.  The keet pictures are lower down on the page.

Thanks for trying! I actually looked on the chart on the site that you linked to prior to posting my pictures here. I wasn't able to find anything that looked quite like my keets. I will have to see if I can get a better picture to post or just wait and see what they become!
I have a younger (1 year old) guinea hen that hatched her first keets yesterday. She is a light buff dundotte color and hatched 5 keets. The one on the far left by the mother, in the top picture looks like it is a buff color like the mother, as it is more tan, but I'm puzzled as to what color the other 4 are. (The potential fathers are either a pied pearl gray or a light lavender.) I wondered if someone has any idea as to what color they are. Their heads are a darker gray-brown with stripes but their bodies are a much lighter in color. I have never had or seen any keets this color before so maybe someone with more experience can help me out?

On my color corrected monitor the colors look more bluish gray than anything. If they are a buff color, it is not what I am seeing. Based on the colors that I am seeing the group of 4 appear to be Lite Lavenders. The color that I am seeing looks more like a Porcelain or Opaline than a light buff for your hen.

I cannot see the top of the head of the one right beside the hen. I cannot tell if it has a solid center stripe (fully dotted), squiggly lines (partially dotted) or a solid color (no dotting). It does appear to be lighter colored than the other keets.

Another place you can look for pictures is


But the images are really small and hard to get a good look.

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