Raising Meat Rabbits

@Kathryn P We have extra cages, she has just never been territorial and they used to share a cage when they were younger so they get along really well.. She is a sweetheart.
Well I came home to find baby kits... all over! One crawled FEET away, so no telling when she gave birth (sometime between 1 and now). She gave birth to 6, 1 was stillborn. I'm assuming they are Isabella's because we found the one that appears stillborn in her cage. She is a first time mother and hasn't pulled fur. I will check in the morning to see if she has fed them as I really don't want to do "forced feedings".

Here is to hoping they make it!
Interesting thread. I never considered looking for a rabbit thread on byc.
I have American chinchilla rabbits.
Well I came home to find baby kits... all over! One crawled FEET away, so no telling when she gave birth (sometime between 1 and now). She gave birth to 6, 1 was stillborn. I'm assuming they are Isabella's because we found the one that appears stillborn in her cage. She is a first time mother and hasn't pulled fur. I will check in the morning to see if she has fed them as I really don't want to do "forced feedings".

Here is to hoping they make it!
How are your Kits doing?
It looks like she is feeding them so I'm going to leave her alone and them... at least as much as I can =) I know rabbits behave differently towards their young then say cats. The kits aren't meowing and are warm and seem roundish so I'm guessing she is taking care of them =)
... now I'm just waiting to find out if the big doe that I bought "bred" is pregnant. I got her 2 weeks ago so I definately jumped the gun on the nestbox LOL I'll be removing that for another week!

I don't know if I posted the "new" rabbits here or not. The one on top is supposed to be pregnant, the one on bottom is just now 10 weeks so not pregnant nor getting pregnant anytime soon.

Any ideas on breeds for these two? I should get NZ or Cali's but I don't like the looks LOL
So I just found ANOTHER baby kit. It was in the Red ones cage, but I don't think she gave birth to it... I didn't see any placenta and there was just the one in there, I think it might have got in there last night since the cages are side by side and I just didn't clean out her cage or notice until today... I really hope it isn't hers because if so I took it and gave it to Isabella.

The red rabbit is carrying hay in her mouth and making a nest but hasn't pulled fur. I was told she had good size litters and was a good mother so I would assume she wouldn't have just 1 kit and that she would pull fur for it.

I'm not positive Isabella is feeding but I really need to butt out and let her do her thing, I don't want to stress her.... It's so hard though!

Anyway as of right now there are 6 live kits and there was a dead one too.

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