Raising Meat Rabbits

Isabella just gave birth for the 2nd time yesterday. She actually pulled fur so I'm hoping these ones make it...

Speaking of 3 of my 3+ week old kits passed away two days ago. They felt really skinny but they have access to pellets 24/7 and I drop greens in their cages every other day too..
sorry to hear you lost 3 kits..
you might want to check the mom and babies for mites, flea, ticks etc even gnats and other little nasty blood sucking things can quickly take a toll on baby anything's...
sorry to hear you lost 3 kits..
you might want to check the mom and babies for mites, flea, ticks etc even gnats and other little nasty blood sucking things can quickly take a toll on baby anything's...
I did see something crawling on the dead ones. How can I treat for them or get rid of them?
mites you spray the legs of the cage they get into the cage from crawling up the legs, wall etc, I would call your local vets office and they may have a product you could buy safe for young babies..Seven dust 5% you can sprinkle around the cage on the ground just like chickens etc, diamacous earth (sp) can also be used..

15 day old American Chinchilla rabbits
I seen the coolest thing my rabbits have ever done a little bit ago!!! I put my new zealand white doe in my tractor(moveable pen) an it's her first time on the grass that I know of and I was standing there watching her like I have been and I seen her tilt her head to the sky a little bit than her pupils got real big than run into the box real fast than I turned around and looked and there was a red tailed hawk flying over head. I got goosebumps it was so amazing,I thought it was real cool cause her instincts told her that the hawk was a predator and to hide when she's been in a hutch almost her whole life. And she has never had contact with a bad bird and the dog and cats walk around her hutch and tractor all the time and she doesn't mind but she ran in the box when she seen that hawk and it amazes me and I love it. She has great instincts!!Here's the tractor and her in it earlier. Thought I would share this with you guys!!
Chicken farmer, I've felt the whole rabbitry rock under me when I was working on the roof, and a piece of tar paper blew over the edge and flapped a bit - dern tootin' they know about predatory birds! I've also seen rabbits nearly kill themselves slamming into the cage walls when a glass lizard crawled across the floor, so I guess you could say they know about snakes, too (though they don't seem to understand the concept of "too small to be a threat").
Chicken farmer, I've felt the whole rabbitry rock under me when I was working on the roof, and a piece of tar paper blew over the edge and flapped a bit - dern tootin' they know about predatory birds! I've also seen rabbits nearly kill themselves slamming into the cage walls when a glass lizard crawled across the floor, so I guess you could say they know about snakes, too (though they don't seem to understand the concept of "too small to be a threat").
Yea since there a big prey animal off course you know how they are real alert and skittish,I thought it was cool cause she reminded me of the wild cottontails
Well I actually think the doe might have been killing the kits. I removed the three remaining kits days ago and none have passed since. My bet is since the breeder I bought her from kept her caged with her mate that she ALWAYS was bred back to back and thats why she started weaning them so early... she probably stomped the ones that passed away.

Also apparantly it was flies on the dead ones not mites.. so I'll start removing kits when I rebreed her in a month earlier.

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