Raising Meat Rabbits

I seen the coolest thing my rabbits have ever done a little bit ago!!! I put my new zealand white doe in my tractor(moveable pen) an it's her first time on the grass that I know of and I was standing there watching her like I have been and I seen her tilt her head to the sky a little bit than her pupils got real big than run into the box real fast than I turned around and looked and there was a red tailed hawk flying over head. I got goosebumps it was so amazing,I thought it was real cool cause her instincts told her that the hawk was a predator and to hide when she's been in a hutch almost her whole life. And she has never had contact with a bad bird and the dog and cats walk around her hutch and tractor all the time and she doesn't mind but she ran in the box when she seen that hawk and it amazes me and I love it. She has great instincts!!Here's the tractor and her in it earlier. Thought I would share this with you guys!!

That is cool, remember they dig though so she can easily dig out of her safe area. I like to bring my rabbits greens =)
@misbehavin NEVERMIND! Just went in and my favorite one of the survivors is dead and no mites. I don't understand and I'm frustrated and ready to give up. They all made it til 3-5 weeks just to die, and I don't get why!
@misbehavin NEVERMIND! Just went in and my favorite one of the survivors is dead and no mites. I don't understand and I'm frustrated and ready to give up. They all made it til 3-5 weeks just to die, and I don't get whyS
Sorry about your losses...it is hard I try not to get too attached I had a silky that was 7 weeks old just die for no reason last week sometimes things just pass with no real reason..
Now my best guess is entritis? I'm not sure how to correct that though...
I think this thread has about died..i sold 8/13 kits form last litter have three more due next week not sure if all three took..and rebreeding the first 2 ..I have a local swap meet where i can sell nz mixed breed bunnies for 5 to 10, each as many as I can take coming up in sept but some of mine have lionhead mom's so they have the cut pet thing going on.... so any youngsters are going there. or the freezer hubby would prefer the freezer but i can take the $ and by even more meat so win win
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Sounds like a good system you have going there, @misbhaven
I haven't been on the rabbit threads here much since I joined BYH. More meat people over there.

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