Raising our New Zealand Meat Rabbits *Start to finish - Birth to processing* Possible Graphic pics*

Thanks for that info :)
Great thread! I have 4 NZW rabbits, and two does had litters on Sunday. I am very jealous of your setup! Your rabbits look happy, healthy and well cared for - well done! I'm not having any success trying to get my breeders tamed though, but I suppose it's a patience/persistence thing. The two does who had litters on Sunday each had 8 kits, but unfortunately the one doe had her babies on the wire, and if placed in the nest box, she would scratch everything, including the babies, out. 5 of her babies died, two on the first day, two on the second day, and one when I attempted to bottle feed the remaining 4. I finally fostered the 3 remaining ones to the other doe yesterday, even though she already has 8 of her own to care for. It was my last option. I keep her well fed and watered though, and all 11 babies in her box are doing well so far. I just didn't mark the fosters, I probably should have... One has a scab so I can identify him. Picked the poor thing up from the floor among my broiler chickens below! He's a little trooper though and doing well :)
Sorry to hear of the losses. New mamas have quirks the 1st time. If they're seasoned does I'd check nest box location.
I have bottomless nest boxes, if a doe is not happy with where I put her nest box she will empty it/dig everything out and protest. I will check the hay I stuffed in it for freshness and move the nest box in another position. If it was facing me I'd rotate it or put it on opposite side of the cage. The other thing I noticed is the rabbits tend to urinate in one area. Seen on ground underneath cages is each rabbits preferred wet spot. My does do not want the nest above this wet pee area below and will push nests over if to close to it (mind you they're 3 plus feet off the ground even)

The taming is a persistence thing I feel. My males are nicer and my does are bribed easily when not in "heat" or preggers or have kits - so my males are nicer always I guess :gig but I force love on them and show them I won't hurt them. I wear a sweatshirt for new buns pants (trust me for a grumpy bun lol) and find a nice seat. Put them on my lap and pet them while pausing for a moment to give a soft rub to the back of neck below the ears and scratch lower cheeks. The back of neck is a submission spot. The bunny usually freezes and waits. That 10 seconds just rub gently and pet ears back slowly and calmly. It takes me a few times but after a couple lap sessions almost all want to come out and play or if does want rubs and petting, not so much to be picked up. A production doe/breeding doe has tender insides. Always in milk or healing still from last litters..She's tender so her hefty weight doesn't help when we pick them up either. They're not necessarily in pain so to speak but can't be comfy when in a breeding season. When I was having MY babies back to back doctors were checking me and poking me and testing me and it made me grumpy & sore, so its Just my opinion, :lau I figure if they test on rabbits for humans ( sad I know ) then other things are probably comparable on a natural level like girly hormone mood swings no? I'm reaching I know lol.
I slide my whole arm under a doe when picking her up-from nose to tail and her body rests on the length of my arm. My girls stay very calm and often are still chewing a piece of hay. :gig I lift breeding season does this way for their comfort BUT this position leaves me vulnerable to a nasty nasty scratch if she's not steady or a bite if she's that kinda gal (havent ever been bit by a bunny I couldnt imagine the pain from those teeth lol.)

Great thread! I have 4 NZW rabbits, and two does had litters on Sunday. I am very jealous of your setup! Your rabbits look happy, healthy and well cared for - well done! I'm not having any success trying to get my breeders tamed though, but I suppose it's a patience/persistence thing. The two does who had litters on Sunday each had 8 kits, but unfortunately the one doe had her babies on the wire, and if placed in the nest box, she would scratch everything, including the babies, out. 5 of her babies died, two on the first day, two on the second day, and one when I attempted to bottle feed the remaining 4. I finally fostered the 3 remaining ones to the other doe yesterday, even though she already has 8 of her own to care for. It was my last option. I keep her well fed and watered though, and all 11 babies in her box are doing well so far. I just didn't mark the fosters, I probably should have... One has a scab so I can identify him. Picked the poor thing up from the floor among my broiler chickens below! He's a little trooper though and doing well :)
Good job fostering the survivors! Super mama bunny you have! I have a doe that had eleven and one that had ten kits. All are doing well. A good mama doe will usually be able to handle a large litter. I was scared thy had too many but they did awesome. Because they cared for such large litters we give them a linger break between breeding to let them recoup a bit for the next litter
Thanks for all the advice. My hubby tries to pick them up and pet them, and persists stubbornly (often saying they WILL become tame if they like it or not). I just shake my head as these buns came from a huge rabbitry where they were never petted and to suddenly "force" them to accept petting won't work. Patience and persistence - not qualities I really have....

I will give this foster momma lots of recovery time to rest after caring for 11. They are all alive and well, happy and fat

They are both first time moms and under a year old. I will give the bun who scratched her babies out of the nest another chance to see how she does.
I have a doe that had eleven and one that had ten kits. All are doing well. A good mama doe will usually be able to handle a large litter. I was scared thy had too many but they did awesome.
Oh yeah... Thanks for this. It sets my mind at ease. I was so scared I'm asking too much of her, and may be putting her own litter at risk, but now I feel better.

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