Raising our New Zealand Meat Rabbits *Start to finish - Birth to processing* Possible Graphic pics*

I love this post, so many baby buns! It looks like you're doing a wonderful job, keep up the good work! I have really enjoyed reading through your updates and can't wait for more.
Mums n dads


Angel, I have a rex I cross with NZW. You'd never know that the white kits aren't high quality NZW and the blacks weren't NZB. The mom (rex) is only 8lbs but these kits grow just as fast and sometimes faster than their purebred counterparts. Crossing NZW/Cali is very popular for similar reasons.
Does anyone have some good rabbit recipes? I have some in the freezer but haven't found a way to cook them where I like the way they taste! Tried frying them like chicken, wife didn't like it. Braised it in a Dutch oven very tender, but it tasted like turkey.
Does anyone have some good rabbit recipes? I have some in the freezer but haven't found a way to cook them where I like the way they taste! Tried frying them like chicken, wife didn't like it. Braised it in a Dutch oven very tender, but it tasted like turkey.

Anything you can do with chicken breast, you can substitute rabbit for. I'll see if I can find some recipes to post a bit later. Just remember that rabbit is incredibly lean and dries out in a hurry if you overcook it. :)
Angel, I have a rex I cross with NZW. You'd never know that the white kits aren't high quality NZW and the blacks weren't NZB. The mom (rex) is only 8lbs but these kits grow just as fast and sometimes faster than their purebred counterparts. Crossing NZW/Cali is very popular for similar reasons.

I'm curious if you also tan hides when you process. I almost incorporated Rex rabbits, but am opting for Silver Fox, instead. But I've read good things about the fur quality of the Rex, which would be welcome. I don't like anything going to waste, but there's not much to be done with the young/immature pelts from the Whites.
Does anyone have some good rabbit recipes? I have some in the freezer but haven't found a way to cook them where I like the way they taste! Tried frying them like chicken, wife didn't like it. Braised it in a Dutch oven very tender, but it tasted like turkey.
Dying to try this one: http://hungryinhogtown.typepad.com/hungry_in_hogtown/2007/03/earresistible_e.html

Also, try pressure cooking, which you can then do a carnitas or "pulled pork" with.

This was a nice combination. Because the rabbit is so lean and mild, you can really ad character through fruit/vegetable pairings: http://paleomg.com/rabbit-apricot-skewers/
TXcarl; Slow cook or oven roast low and slow with some apple juice, red wine, olive oil, garlic, salt, pepper and paprika! Stuff the body cavity with sage and onion dressing like a turkey beforehand. Mmmmm.... Makes me drool to think about it!

Gent, I have just been getting into tanning. I tanned my first batch and it came out so-so (not enough breaking of the hides). I find that the rex X rabbits tend to put a lot more weight into their skin/fur and come out with super average dressage ratios as a result but the pelts ARE thicker than the regular NZW pelts I would say even at fryer age. However, I also tanned some NZW fryer pelts with the rest. They can actually be good to use for trims, pouches, and other small projects, or you can line gloves or hats or quilt them into a fur blanket. For all intensive purposes, a fryer pelt is a fryer pelt, though, and I'd say the difference in quality is slight, though noticeable. I also have a lot of people interested in "junkier" pelts for rougher projects. I know one guy who is lining his fencing rapier handguards with them! Kit pelts are great for this sort of thing.

The lady I get my rex's from tends to raise them to 20-24 weeks old before processing so she can get a decent pelt out of them as well as a larger meat rabbit. But I can't do that. My meat customers like their rabbits tender and young! XD
I also have a lot of people interested in "junkier" pelts for rougher projects. I know one guy who is lining his fencing rapier handguards with them! Kit pelts are great for this sort of thing.

The lady I get my rex's from tends to raise them to 20-24 weeks old before processing so she can get a decent pelt out of them as well as a larger meat rabbit. But I can't do that. My meat customers like their rabbits tender and young! XD

I've done well selling the NZ white pelts, but I have to be careful to let people know that they are, as you said, "junkier" pelts. They don't have the long life some people might want, and they are thinner.

I have several customers who want a gamier meat, which has led me to consider having a breed that I can raise a bit longer and process at that 4-6 month mark. The Silver Fox is a bit better dress ratio as well as better-quality fur, which is why I started considering them over the Rex. If I can somehow market a better-quality pelt out of the deal, then it makes sense to start a second breed with that goal in mind. I'm still at the sussing out phase right now, so we'll see what I end up with. I do enjoy the tanning process, though, so I figure it's worth some thought.

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