Raising our New Zealand Meat Rabbits *Start to finish - Birth to processing* Possible Graphic pics*

A portable processing station hubby put together. We sit on a stool in front of it.
We use a garbage bag lined 5 gallon bucket not a 3 gallon like pic-just there to show where it goes. It catches all the guts and such.
Feet get slipped in the steel up top that's been twisted into "w" to anchor rabbit by feet to skin/gut. The stainless steel plate backing is thick and easily rinsed & disinfected. Bent at corners to drain into bucket and spaced to catch any innards that escape :hmm
We don't have high meat volume so this allows us a station to bang out one or two rabbits as ordered and have an easy set up/ clean up instead of dragging out all of our processing equip and spending an hour cleaning

Thank you so much for showing this. Great idea and I will like ask hubby to do the same for us.
I am a highschooler and I am wanting to do some farming this summer while I'm taking college classes. I decided I would do quail, but I also wanted to do rabbits. But I don't just want it to be a fun project, I want to at least make a profit too. We live on a huge cattle farm so I wanted to try a small animal. How do you guys make money on your rabbits ? Also I want meat rabbits. Any advice is appreciated!! Thanks
Making then pay for themselves is easy, making profit, a lot harder lol real profit for us comes through meat and breeders, but it costs to grow out breeders so breed only quality.
We build cages, have breeders available, babies available, offering all parts for sale when processing-ears, feet, hides, meat, organs for dog owners feeding raw diets, we sell rabbit poop bagged for gardens.

I'd say make them pay for themselves to start.
Get quality breeders. Pure bred anything sells bit better than mutts. Breed the best and eat the rest.

Decide what market to sell in.
Pets are a no-no in many areas so look up your local rules.
Meat means you'll have to process every 12 weeks as litters come in.
Raising Breeders is good money but you'll need cages (we make them cost is low for us, usually this is a big expense) and have to feed them longer.

We won't get rich! But we eat and raise them for free (except labor). We started making profit when we hit 40 breeders. Want to get 20 more breeding for a bigger profit.
Okay thanks! I think I will just start out with a trio and go from there. I don't think that I will get up to 40 breeders haha.
Well, we are getting our rabbits. Today I went to pick up what I thought was a New Zealand Red doe. Upon arrival, however, I noticed that she is most certainly not red. I am going with Agouti (sp?) of some sort. Wanted to post here and see what you all thought of pur new addition, Dumpling.
I'm so excited
! I picked up a young buck today. Already have my two does. That are 9 months old. The guy says he's 4 months old. (I was shocked when the owner turned the little guy over and I was able to tell "without a doubt" that he was a buck) Good Lord. I'm told he's New Zealand mixed with Californian. I have him in quarantine right now. Poor thing seems so nervous. I think he'll be fine. His temperament is calmer than my girls when picking him up. He looks like a shrimp compared to my 10 lb does. The guy says size shouldn't stop the little bugger and he will continue to grow. I was surprised to find out that this guy kept all his rabbits outside in our triple digit weather. They appeared fine and healthy. Several were running around the back yard seemingly happy as could be. There was plenty of shade, green grass, a misting system and dog bowls full of water. Bunnies of several sizes and colors were available. Because he let them free range in his yard, he had a couple of surprise kindlings. He thought it would be too hot for that but… I am hoping he gave me a hearty guy as my first breeding buck. We'll see in a month or so.
I believe I saw your post on another rabbit thread. Are you getting Am Chincillas? There was a large one at the location where I got my buck today. I really liked the size of it. Unfortunately, it turned out to be a female and I was looking for a buck. Best of luck to you and share your photos when you can.

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