Raising then selling chicks

But the hard part is picking the birds you are willing to part with. I feel like that's harder than picking the birds you want from a bunch.
True! But my cuddliest baby chick is still my favorite cuddly chick, & my favorite looking chick is still my prettiest, & my 3 flighty chicks are the 3 most skidding pullets, lol. I’d probably keep the friendliest ones. Wouldnt want to get rid of the others but it would be understood.

If I hatch/order & raise for others I’d just know I wasn’t keeping them & not get myself too attached. ❤️ At least, in theory. 😂
This might not be very helpful but some of those breeds I’d buy. Most of the breeds I see around here are the ones from TSC. So the production reds. Especially on Craigslist. I try to stay away from them because I’ve had so many issues with them already. I would also sell them as chicks. I don’t buy started birds off Craigslist anymore because the two times I did the birds were sick. So I don’t trust anyone on Craigslist.
I have done this. My situation was a bit different, mind you - it was an impulse buy to save lives - but same base idea.

I walked into Wilco Farm and Feed Store with the intention of not even looking at the chick bins. But, you know how it goes. I heard peeping, and my feet moved without me noticing, and BAM! I was hypnotized by the chicks.
I could have stayed there for HOURS.
But it wasn't all wonderful.
I saw dead chicks, flattened into the shavings by the feet of their broodermates.
I saw sick chicks, bums cemented with pasty poop and eyes half-open.
Most bins were too cramped, too cold... these chicks were not happy.

To this day, nearly a year later, I can still feel the building scream that was knotting in my gut. The tears that came to my eyes as I walked from bin to bin.
When I saw a little blue chick, with a ping-pong ball sized clump of poo covering her bum, standing under the light with her eyes closed, it was the last straw.
I watched her for a moment, analyzing the odds of her survival if I didn't do something. ANYTHING.
She swayed on her little yellow feet, her beak slightly open to cheep in quiet pain. I watched her stumble as other healthy chicks bumped into her. I saw the slack wings and hunched neck.
She was very, very sick.
And I was very, very infected with chick fever.

So I left that store holding a box.
Four pasty-butt chicks, including little sick Thunder.
I threw together a makeshift brooder (A heat lamp hung over a wire-sided plastic cage, filled with straw.) I dusted off and filled the chick waterer, which had been stored away for many a season. I dumped the chick food into the metal feeder and VOILA! A brooder for my sick chicks. They spent their first hour at my home huddled under the lamp.
And then I set to work removing the buildup of cement-like feces from their little butts.
And one by one, they slowly came out of the woods.
They all made it.

And NOW they're all big, happy hens living their normal lives to this day. I sold the BR and RIR to a neighbor of mine, and the EE and SG to a BYC friend of mine.

I couldn't be happier with the turnout. I saved some lives and actually made some profit (though we donated it.) I charged 10 bucks per 5 week old pullet.
All were healthy when sold and have continued to be.
It was a wonderful experience and I'd love to do it again.

I think it's a good idea, @Iluveggers. Young female chickens are always in demand. You likely won't have trouble selling them.

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