Raising up Pyrenees pups. UPDATE P7


Crooked Creek Poultry
8 Years
Sep 20, 2011
This is the former thread "Oh my I can't control my excitement" about getting my Pyrenees girls. I have changed it to Raising and Training Pyrenees pups. I am going to document my experiences here so anyone interested in getting a Pyr for LGD has this as a reference. I won't sugar coat and will post my success as well as failures.

Some of you may remember my thread about getting Great Pyrenees to guard my livestock and the problems deciding I was having about the breeder and co owning a dog with her. WELL I was just browsing the local paper and there are Great Pyr puppies for sale. I know they are not the show quality and won't have the health certs the other breeder had but they are one tenth the price and live on a farm. The parents guard pigs and a variety of other animals. The breeder told me how the parents have been dragging coyotes out of the woods and lining them up one by one. He is even getting 50.00 for every one of the coyotes from the county.

They have 2 female pups left and I have a feeling I will be bringing them both home. As long as they are in good condition that is. I will post pics here if I do get them. Wish me Luck
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Yes I actually was looking to see if there was an Anatolian Shepherd in the bulletin when I saw the GP puppies. I was going back and forth in my mind over the two breeds. I may end up with an Anatolian too if I ever see one in the paper

I know GP's have gorgeous coats but I already have two Lhasa Apso's that take a lot of coat care so it was a small strike against the breed. I am used to having to care for long coats that mat and get poopy. I've got all the tools so it's not a real big deal adding a few more to bath time.

I need to get GP's and bond them to my ducklings and chicks I have in the brooder now. I don't want to lose a bunch when I put them outside. I have been stressing over this for a while. I hope all goes well and I bring home some pups tonight.
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I think owning your own LSG is the way to go. Getting one that's already exposed to guarding livestock is a big plus--most likely a much better choice for your application. You will need to watch your puppy (it is a puppy after all) and help show her what you want her to watch. Walk her around your property lines over and over and discipline her if she strays or thinks of your other animals as chew toys. You are the alpha. . .don't let her rule you. LSG's are awesome dogs, but they do need discipline and socialization. Please, please, please get her spayed. A good LSG makes a big difference! Our LSG killed a mink last winter that could have wiped out our small flock of chickens. Good luck!!
That's GREAT!! I'd be very cautious with two females though. Females tend to fight worse than two males do and the fights can be very, very bad. You'll just need to watch for that and be prepared to house them separately in the even they start that crap. It won't happen for a while....probably not until they hit their teen-age years (puberty).
I was going to say the same thing. I don't have much experience with GPs but I've got Siberians and females are the worst fighters. The males might have "bigger" brawls, but will forget by the end of the day. The girls often hold a grudge forever. I think it's worse between sisters and mothers/daughters.

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