Random chicken death?

Silver Sebright

5 Years
Apr 19, 2014
When I went out today to give treatment to all my young hens and roos I found one that before showed no symptoms of the disease MG unlike my other chickens that have the symptoms. But, it looks like it just up and died. No bite marks no bleeding no signs of death. My only predictions are it died from stress, or heat exhaustion because of the hot weather right now in florida. But we have 2 water jugs in the pen with them? Help!!!
Also, what was the position of the body? When we had a nasty heat wave, we lost one as did a couple friends - we both found ours kind of slumped/collapsed forward. I don't mean to sound callous when I say that- I cried for days. We ended up installing a "poultry exhaust fan" in our coop to suck the air out efficiently- so now they have fans blowing at them and the poultry exhaust fan sucking out the old air instead of the hot air bouncing off the back wall of the coop.

Even so, anyone showing signs of heat stress at night gets taken into the house overnight. I think their hearts work so heart trying to get rid of the heat day and night, they eventually collapse, so by bringing them in, they have a chance to truly rest.

Fans can help them cool down though I had 2 big ones blowing at them. If you can, I would also make shade- even just a cheap blue tarp over the sunniest part of the run- where it will create the most shade at the hottest parts of the day- overhead for mid-day - and then on a fence where the tarp can cast a shadow into the run- south and/or west side. If you put one on the fence, make sure you leave space at the bottom 2 feet for air to move through. If you have any spare plywood, that can make a nice lean-to for shade also.

You can also buy a water heater tub (about $10-15 at home depot depending on size) which would create a shallow splash pool for them to walk through and (of course) a novel thing to drink from. My smarter hens love to splash and dig in the water.

Like this:
When in gets that hot in Maryland, I freeze treats, like berries or canned corn (the no salt kind,) in ice cubes. I set them in a clean metal hog pan and my biddies really go after them! My sister freezes fruit and seeds in a bundt can and either hangs it from a rafter or just sets it in her run. I'll be trying that, this summer.

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