Random pics from today... chicks, more chicks, flock etc...

Beautiful. I see Cochins and Orps and some I don't recognize. you need to tell all the breeds you are showing. Very nice flock
LOL.... the lil gal is a cochin. Not as fluffy as I'd like but I love her reddish coloring.

The large greyish gal is a blue cochin. Not her best pic but she actually feathered out very nicely for a hatchery bird. Her quality isn't as nice as my other cochin gals they are bigger and fuller fluffier feather.

Bama most of these show my dark gals...lol.

Scanning back thru the lot I see cochins, orps, blrw, brahma, australorps, my ducks of course... some silkies.

In the young stuff pics I have the 3 teenagers in a tub which are mixes of my flock.

The tiny chick pics are some banty salmon favs that hatched 2 days ago from Jimnjay along with some more cochins from my flock of eggs. 2 black orps too.

The other tub has some swap chicks hatched from several different ppls eggs. silver laced wyandotte.

In the big teens outside pic I have mostly marans. I got some blue marans, a couple cuckoo, I believe 2 welsummer, the mottled orps (2) from you. A golden cuckoo maran pullet *she is in 2 pics* some odds and ends silkies in there and a couple mixes from my flock again.

I have buff brahma in the bator, along with silver laced wyandottes, banty cochins, some of my flock eggs again... a couple silkies...white this time. Some mottled blue d'uccles, more swap eggs and a goose egg (went in last night) along with a couple runner duck eggs I slipped in to keep the goose company .....lol

I have more swap eggs coming from several ppl including some speckled sussex , mille fl, and not sure what else off the top of my head.....

Julie =0)

Sorry to condense everyone to one post but I still have stitches in my hand and typing is harder.

What's that breed in the last pic - the dark colored one? I think that may be what my mystery chicks are from TSC as they get feathered out. I was hoping for EEs but now I wonder exactly WHAT they are.

Whoops, never mind - I see the feathered feet now so it's not the same as what I got in the brooder...
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love those pics! take care of that hand!



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