Random Question about.... Butterflies :)


9 Years
Feb 21, 2010
Duvall, WA
Yesterday evening I went out to visit with the horses and I noticed a gorgeous butterfly drowning in the water trough. Luckily it was still alive and I rescued it. I brought it up and put it on the branches of a tree up near the house thinking that when it dried off and rested up it would fly off. I just checked a few minutes ago thinking it would be gone but it's still there

I'm wondering it I should do something to help it on it's way? It's one of the most beautiful ones I've seen around here so I really want to help it survive. I made a DIY sugar water feeder and hung it near the tree but I don't think it has made it's way over there. Anyone have some advice?

Also, does anyone know what kind of butterfly it is? Here's a picture, it's about 4 inches across at the top of the wings. Absolutely beautiful, especially the tail part of it's wings


I am going to take a guess and say tiger swallowtail. I have them swarm my mimosa tree when it blooms.
Butterflies have a special solution on their wings that allows them to fly, the water may have gotten on the wings. If so she will probably... die. but on the slight chance the wings are finr, whatever you do dont touch her wings!!!!
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It does look somewhat like a Tiger Swallowtail but the colors aren't right - perhaps that is from the time in the water...

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