Random rant


Free Ranging
Premium Feather Member
13 Years
Mar 22, 2011
My Coop
My Coop
I feel useless I see everyone elses coops and my chicks are just in a shed I can't build things being so short and I don't know anyone to help me. I wish my coop looked as nice as the ones I see on here but it will prolly never look good.
done ranting
Do a search for the ugliest coop threads. They will make you laugh and feel so much better about whatever sort of shack you house your chickens in.

I never posted by coops on the the ugly threads, I was afraid I might win.
mom'sfolly :

Do a search for the ugliest coop threads. They will make you laugh and feel so much better about whatever sort of shack you house your chickens in.

I never posted by coops on the the ugly threads, I was afraid I might win.

This!!! You know what my coop is? A circle of chained link, and a hole in the ground for the ducks. We have a small hen house with boxes in it, but it really is just a fenced in free-range area.

There is a tree in there so they have something to roost on and we built short little dugouts for shade.


Here is the corner of one. Now any short person can build that.​
<----- Check out mine on my BYC page. It's just an outbuilding I partitioned off with a chainlink fence panel for the chickens. It's UGLY, but it keeps them safe.
My chicks don't even have roost I can't put any up until I insulate the shed which isn't easy putting up walls. my fencing is chicken wire being held up by metal steaks it looks crappy I want mine to look nice like everyone elses.
My chicks don't even have roost I can't put any up until I insulate the shed which isn't easy putting up walls. my fencing is chicken wire being held up by metal steaks it looks crappy I want mine to look nice like everyone elses.

Not everyones does look nice, that is what we are trying to point out to you. The only roosts we have is the dinky tree in the coop. My chickens are happy, healthy and well taken care of and that is what matters, not a Coop Trump Tower.
Chickens don't need the pretty crap. It's the owners who do. Whatever your chickens are in I'm sure they're happy with. I couldn't build my own either. I cut hair.........not wood. I bought power tools and returned them when I over thought stuff and got intimidated. So don't go downing yourself. And quite frankly, I wish I had thought to use a shed for my coop instead of having soeone build it. I'd like more room for them.
My chicks don't even have roost I can't put any up until I insulate the shed which isn't easy putting up walls. my fencing is chicken wire being held up by metal steaks it looks crappy I want mine to look nice like everyone elses.

Not everyones does look nice, that is what we are trying to point out to you. The only roosts we have is the dinky tree in the coop. My chickens are happy, healthy and well taken care of and that is what matters, not a Coop Trump Tower.

Where my chicks are at night they need roost because their driving me crazy sitting on my budgies cages. Since Their all in the same shed. Though the shed is well built and just had a new roof put on because it was leaking. so their safe from predators I just want to sheer it up better.
Not everyones does look nice, that is what we are trying to point out to you. The only roosts we have is the dinky tree in the coop. My chickens are happy, healthy and well taken care of and that is what matters, not a Coop Trump Tower.

Where my chicks are at night they need roost because their driving me crazy sitting on my budgies cages. Since Their all in the same shed. Though the shed is well built and just had a new roof put on because it was leaking. so their safe from predators I just want to sheer it up better.

You can do that, and they are fine for the time being. I would start trolling craigs list - people give away some of the most useful items. Freecycle.org as well.

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