Random sneezing


Jan 20, 2021
Central Florida
I have at least one bird of 10 that is sneezing a bunch of times a day. I've heard others occasionally sneeze. Their coop is pdz, pine shavings, small amount of DE (which I know can be a respiratory irritant) and barn lime. Their run is all sand and dirt, mostly sand. My question is, how do you tell the difference between a respiratory illness and just environmental sneezing? Should I treat everyone with antibiotics just in case? No one seems particularly lethargic and everyone is eating and drinking.
Humans sneeze when irritants get into our upper respiratory systems, and so do chickens. The obvious culprits are the addition of PDZ and DE to your bedding. I suggest stopping this practice for a few weeks and see if that eliminates the sneezing.

If the chickens continue to sneeze in spite of their bedding being free of these respiratory irritants, then look for other signs of respiratory illness - lethargy, runny eyes and nares, and swelling of the facial tissue.
Humans sneeze when irritants get into our upper respiratory systems, and so do chickens. The obvious culprits are the addition of PDZ and DE to your bedding. I suggest stopping this practice for a few weeks and see if that eliminates the sneezing.

If the chickens continue to sneeze in spite of their bedding being free of these respiratory irritants, then look for other signs of respiratory illness - lethargy, runny eyes and nares, and swelling of the facial tissue.
I didn't realize pdz was bad for them. I am stopping the DE. What's a good litter option that is dust free?
All bedding ends up being dusty because chickens are constantly shedding dust and dander. That's why it makes good sense not to add to it any more than you need to.

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