Rapid weight loss and green, runny poop


Nov 6, 2020
Hello! My 7 month old Cinnamon Queen is very sick and she's losing weight very rapidly. What's most worrying is that she's the largest out of all 9 of our flock, but as of right now weighs less than any of the others. She doesn't really act too differently- she seems more tired and hangs away from the rest of the flock, but she's eating and drinking as much as the others. I'm pretty sure she doesn't have sour crop- her breath doesn't smell, and although her crop is soft-ish, it isn't extended or large. My first thought was worms- but nothing shows up in her feces, which is watery and green (bile?). I would take her to the vet but there are NO vets near me that look at poultry.

I plan to deworm soon, but I'm scared I'm running out of time (The Valbazen will be here in 3 days.) I should note that she is on the bottom of the pecking order and does get bullied, but not to the extent where they chase her away from the food and prevent her from eating. Her distant behavior's been going on for awhile, but it's only in the past week or so that she's lost weight. I'm not sure if there's much I can do besides deworming her and feeding her egg mixed with feed. Any suggestions? Thanks in advance.

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