Rare breed poultry HUGE FLOCK SALE

Rainbow Hatchery you sound like a great place! We are looking into places for pheasants to order from in the future. We have a young Red Golden male who I'd like to get a girlfriend.
Do you anticipate ever breeding Lady Amherst pheasants?
Also- I second the question about NPIP certification that tests for things like MG.
Actually yes I am currently on the hunt for breeding stock of Amherst, not in a rush but keeping my eyes open because I really love them. Im in N. Michigan so winter is often a good time here to pick up mature birds as people tend to not want to care for them in the winter so I hope to find some locally and have by spring. We have both red and yellow golden pheasants now and will be hatching in spring once they start laying again. All chicks are sold straight run with a 5 bird minimum to ship but shipping is free.
Hi Rainbow

Well, I am over in Northern Wisconsin (just across the pond from you)....so we are always on the look out for cold hardy birds. my kids currently have Golden Laced Wyandottes, Cuckoo Marans, black copper marans, easter eggers, a few sex links, a couple silkies.

We'd like to add some more black copper maran laying hens to our brood. I am looking to buy maybe 8-10 more BCM chicks. Also, if you have any laying some nice dark "olive" colored eggs, we may be interested in those too, we have blue from our easter eggers already.

Hope to hear from you soon

Are they sold straight run or do you sex them? I can't have roosters.

Also do you vaccinate for Mareks?

I'm looking to get a couple peacocks for my mom for mothers day this year, are you able to sex them as chicks? Mom's the peacock expert I know nothing about them but don't want to ask her and spoil the surprise! :]
Im sorry but no everything we sell, including our rare poultry is sold as straight run only with the exception of auto sexing cream legbars. I would point you in the direction if I could but honestly I have never come across or heard of anyone that sexes peafowl. If you want to be sure you have a hen or cock you will most likely have to buy juvenile or adult birds because depending on the birds color even juveniles can be pretty hard to tell. It can get very pricey buying juveniles or adults especially if you have to have them shipped.
I've noticed, some of the prices for adult pairs are more than my monthly bills combined!
That's ok, I will keep you in mind, you have the best prices I've seen for peafowl so far! Thank you!

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