Rare Lavender Orpington cockerel, posibly for sale!!!!

Apr 16, 2020
Northern Florida
If you want a lavender Orpington cockerel I MIGHT have a cockerel!! I am not completely sure it is a cockerel and if it is a hen I am keeping it although we are pretty sure it is a cockerel!! We can't keep males where I live so if it ends up being a cockerel Id like to find it a home who wants a cockerel even before we know if it is a female or male [ like I said we are pretty sure it is a male]!! The chick is about 8 weeks old and so far it is pretty friendly with humans!! I live in Gulf breeze Florida if you are close to where I live when I figure out if it is a male or not I could tell you if you are interested in buying it!![ respond back if you are interested, by the way, we would like to give the chick to someone who won't kill it!!]
Do you have a picture of parents and chick?
Hi, I do not have pictures of the parents as I bought the chick from a local recommended farmer but, I do have some pictures of the chick. I want to make sure to mention that it might be a few months until we are sure of the gender of the chick. Are you a breeder?

Was mostly curious as to what a lavender orpington looks like. I googled images and they look light gray to me, was wondering if maybe it's in certain lighting you see the lavender?

We are looking for silkie roosters for breeding, but got curious when I saw the word lavender :)

I will send the pics to my niece, but I think she's focusing on her silkies flock right now.
Was mostly curious as to what a lavender orpington looks like. I googled images and they look light gray to me, was wondering if maybe it's in certain lighting you see the lavender?

We are looking for silkie roosters for breeding, but got curious when I saw the word lavender :)

I will send the pics to my niece, but I think she's focusing on her silkies flock right now.
That gray color is called lavender in chickens. :)

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