Rarest breed of chicken in the US?

Those are very interesting...and they look quite yummy, too.
They look like a true dual purpose breed.

My thoughts exactly, and they are pea comb I believe, so no frostbite issues and yes they are from Austria.
They do not appear to be a super layer, but definetely dual purpose, and cute too !
yes, they are available, hope to be getting some myself here soon. A small handful of breeders have them, can give you some contact info privately, dont want to post others info on a public site
Not true, I have seen several posts that Green fire Farms (sp?) has imported Cream Legbars from the UK somewhere, maybe Scotland I think...should have eggs for sale in 2011...so I have heard.
Alot of folks here waiting !

http://greenfirefarms.com/new/ oh they have so many nice birds !!!!!

Dang, if only I could win the lottery !
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Wendy'sChicksRock :

ummm yeah thats crazy price for chickens for the back yard...

You're obviously not very chicken obsessed/addicted then.

Also, people who pay crazy prices for chickens (me included) don't just have them for a backyard egglayer.
Ditzy, dramatic, die at the drop of a hat.
At least, that was my experience with bantam Sultans.

Awww. What a shame. I am looking for something rare to add and don't want to worry with comb issues as I do with my orps and cochins.

Any suggestions?

Possibly the Chantecler - tiny compact cushion comb, thick feathering, bred for Canada...

Best - exop
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I was wandering around Feathersite the other day and came across a listing of some Iranian chickens ... I wonder if any of these have ever made it over to other countries.

The Talayee:

The Chity: Markings remind me of the Orloff, which may have some Iranian ancestry.

The Zireh:

Iran is a nation of serious egg eaters, it's no surprise that they should have so many chicken breeds.
I have a Persian cookbook and there is an entire section of recipes for kookoo, which is a sort of hefty omelette crammed with stuff... like the Spanish tortilla.

Best - exop
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