Rat Snake


7 Years
May 14, 2012

My Father and I killed this bugger on Sunday. I have a single rescued Chicken and my Mom is now going on and on about Chicken attracting snakes. The chick is 3 months old, we thought it was a cockerel but it is turning to be a gorgeous hen. And, the chick is too pampered and it is quite big. Anyway, I want to know if there is any known snake repellent! and also will this snake be able to gobble a chicken the size of a full grown hen? The snake was well over 6-1/2 feet. :(
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6 1/2 feet? Yikes! It may not be able to eat a full grown hen but a snake that size may very well try. I used to have pet snakes that would eat frozen mice and rats and I would always be AMAZED at the size of something a snake could eat. A snake in the wild may sometimes take several hours to fit something down. It truly would not surprise me if it tried.
There was a thread recently about catching snakes re: hard boiling an egg, making a slit in the side of the shell and inserting a fishing hook with line, and then attach the line to something. The snake eats the egg and you got it! It can regurgitate it, but that often takes awhile.
Good luck!
I have a dog which is friends with the chick, I am counting on her. But she cannot do much if a Cobra would make a visit. I'm looking for a snake repellent. I read urine of predatory animals would ward the snakes off, is it true? Thanks guys!
Fact: Snakes use the forked tongue to pick up smell and taste simultaneously!! I would make a fool proof enclosure!! I can't lose my baby!! Thanks for your help!
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It's ashame to see such a beautiful snake killed. No, it can't eat a full grown chicken. Up to 1.5 times the size of the snake's girth is what it can eat. Make a really nice snake proof pen for her. I've heard of snake repellants but I've also heard they don't work. Snakes don't smell like us. They taste the air with their tongue.
I heard rumor that large cat urine keeps most predatory animals away from chicken coops but I don't know if it would work with snakes. You could always give it a try and let us know how it works out! :) My friend is considering purchasing some from the local zoo to keep a fox away from her chickens. If she does, I will let you know how it works out. :)
SJUDD: But would the urine scent attract Large cats? We had a Leopard roam about our area a few months back ;-) Ours is a semiurban area, and we have problems with wild Elephants and wild Boars.

madamwlf: Personally, I don't think any snake look beautiful. I see them in my nightmares where they team with Elephants and Lions to hunt me down. :'( But I've seen youtube videos of some gorgeous Albino purple reticulated python.

In our place, people kill them due to misconception, Rat snake is nonvenomous while the similar looking Cobra is. In our case, I would say the fear factor made us kill him. We thought he came for the Chicken. It's good news to me that the snake cannot take down a full grown chicken. And the Rat Snake also attracts the King Cobra, but we live in the plains, so no problem.

Just a random internet pic of the King. LOL. I'm sure I'd pee myself, should I see one.

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