Rats - anyone try snap traps in a box?

I put snap traps and sticky boards in the run at night, after the chickens are locked in the coop, and then take out the traps and boards before opening the coop in the morning. I've caught 6 or 8 mice and a baby mole in the past month. Our run is designed so nothing bigger than a chipmunk should be able to get in (although I constantly worry about raccoons and keep looking for more ways to block them).
For your mice, there is a type of trap called a "tin cat" It's a flat tin box that lays along a wall or under a bench. It's a repeating trap, will catch multiple mice in one setting. Bait with dogfood or grain and check for mice, drop it in a bucket of water to drown them, empty, rebait, repeat. It's more effective on the mice than poison.

As for the neighbors compost pile, see if they will give you the edible compost for your chicks.

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