Rats, rats EVERYWHERE! ☹️

We get bush rats here (native bush close by plus plenty of farming sheds and equipment for them to get into) - it's an ongoing management thing. My anti vermin program is as follows:

In my chicken runs I use treadle feeders for the pellets and feed only enough kitchen scraps that will get eaten that day.

Just outside my runs I place bait stations like the one in my picture below - yes they use poison but yes they are very effective and they are contained in a station that only the target vermin can enter (so safe to use around other animals and wildlife). The poison comes as very firm blocks which are threaded into the station with rods so the rat can only take what he is willing and able to chew off.

I have three cats, all of which will kill mice and rats, and the wild weka regularly kill and eat mice and small rats too (although they then in turn become a problem themselves because they also will predate on chicks and steal eggs/food).

You will never be entirely rid of the vermin - When you kill one another moves in - But I find the combination of methods above keeps them to a minimum.

If you have quite a population already that needs to be reduced first - the use of poison could get prohibitively expensive - so I'd recommend one of those units that live catches / traps the rats. This can be reset and used over and over, and some can catch multiple rats at a time. They can be very very effective if checked/reset regularly. A possible issue - These units require the user to be able to "dispatch" with what they catch and that is not for everyone.
This all started last year when my neighbor unloaded some rat-infested materials. They quickly came up to my house. Plentiful food supply, right? Well. I cant take it anymore. There’s stupid rats EVERYWHERE by my chicken pens. And I can’t use poison and no amount of traps would ever get all those dang mice.

Do I rehome my flock and start anew later?? It seems the rat population keeps growing and growing. My feed bill is sky high because I’m feeding more rats than chickens. It’s to the point where my chickens are absolutely starving if not fed twice daily.

If anyone has any other suggestions please let me know. :hit
Get yourself a couple of kitties. That should keep the numbers down. And they potty train themselves unlike dogs. HEHE

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