RATS!! too smart to get caught, help!

You're talking soda, like soda pop, like Coke or Pepsi or something? I've never heard of this and I think I have a rat in my barn and have 6 dogs so I can't use poison.
You're talking soda, like soda pop, like Coke or Pepsi or something? I've never heard of this and I think I have a rat in my barn and have 6 dogs so I can't use poison.

I think that's been proven to be false.
I didn't read all the posts so I don't know if somebody already suggested this.
Remove all food sources at night then the rat's only food source will be the baited trap.

I was watching a UK TV program on mice and rats and it said Rats will send younger rats to the trap first. If they get caught then the other rats become wary. I have no idea if that is true. But they do always follow the same path because it has been scented by rat urine so place the traps next to the wall.
I noticed a bunch of rat holes around our layer barn today. I went to down to my mother's house to search the garage for leg hold traps that I last used some 25 years ago. Couldn't find any leg holds but found a milk crate full of #110 Conibears. I set a number of them around the entrances with some strategically placed boards to funnel them through the traps. We'll see what happens tonight.
I bought a new kind of trap today, hope it works


it,s baited and set near the entrance of one of their entry tunnels, also set out more bromone poison pellets.

Also decided to build a new, raised off the ground plywood floor into the old coop we're renovating, will make a tight seal to the walls - good luck getting into the coop then, dear vermin!!
OK.. gopherbuster.org is my other business, Organic control of pests... rats are fun to deal with.. Putting poison should be a last resort since secondary poisoning is nassssty.
this trap is something that you can build in a blink of a afternoon. READY? 5 gallon bucket.. drill a hole thru the top edge.. to put a wire thru it.. like your making a tight rope wire for a mouse to climb on. ok.. now get a thin diameter can.. soup can... cut off both ends.. run the wire thru it.. centered over the opening of hte bucket. Following this...
Now if you have done it correctly.. you have a can that will "SPIN" on a wire... fill your bucket with enough water say.. 6 inches to the can bottom. then smear peanut butter on the outside edge of the can... place the bucket in a corner near the "RATS RUN". I have also put a small ramp on the bucket... so they have something to climb on.

This simple thing will work wonders... rats climb up the ramp and jump on to the peanut butter can... it rollls and they fall in the soup... then its a simple solution.. they get baptised. run out of air.. and voila.....I put a wee bit of soap in the water... helps them get wet.

We put this contraption in a airplane hanger at teh airport.. and when the owner went back.. his hanger was putrified. It smelt so bad.. but he had about 15 or more rats in his bucket...
so dont leave it unattended for a weeks on end.

Remember we just have to be smarter than a rat... banish the poisons...

[email protected]

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