Rav's Duckumentary - Call duckling babies (pic heavy)

You need some...

If nothing else, swap out your drake for Call drakes...

I Do need some!! Donald is actually my favorite. He is such a character.
Ok, here it is... Crash in all her craziness, or at least bits of it and her broody zen-ness... these were done while she is broody, but this is how she normally is... except louder and longer, lol...



After going on like this for about an hour, she then decides it's time to go back to her babies... when she is ready she stands up as straight and tall as she can and calls extremely loud and fast with a crazy look in her eye (Tony, I know you have seen that look)... and if she is not let in to her babies immediately she takes off flying, circles around once or twice, then lands on the roof... she proceeds to call and look quiet panicked... much coaxing is needed to get her down again and inside...

Then miraculously, she becomes like this...


This duck defies all logic of a broody mama... and very not what we expected her to be like, lol... but a great mama she is...

@Julie Bird @Tevyes Dad

I don't know why my phone doesn't like the links but when I click on them it opens a black page with a weird address and then freezes up my phone!



Oh Ravyn, she's so beautiful! I'm getting total female vibes from that one. Was she from shipped eggs or yours? I've got 10 days to go and 5 eggs still growing. I need to take some pics because I think the air cells look small on 4 of them. 1 has a huge air cell that is still extremely loose and wobbly, I still have that one in a carton. Should I start misting them now? Or do you wanna see pictures first? It's hard for me to tell because your batch had big saddles. These are circular, so I've got nothing to compare. The eggs are white call eggs and grey!
My little guy got bit on the bill today! My boys went with their dad for the night and I went to go sit outside with the chickens while they were free ranging. My lone call baby started screaming his head off because the house was empty. So I brought him outside with me and sat him on my lap. One of the chickens came over to investigate and he is so friendly he ran right over to her and wanted to give "duck kisses" to the hen. Well she was not having it and bit him right on the nose!! My poor baby ran right into my sweatshirt and hid. I felt so bad. I really didn't think she was going to do that! He has a little mark on his bill. I sound like a crazy person, don't I? Who could resist rambling about this little cutie!?!
I don't know why my phone doesn't like the links but when I click on them it opens a black page with a weird address and then freezes up my phone!
Oh Ravyn, she's so beautiful! I'm getting total female vibes from that one. Was she from shipped eggs or yours? I've got 10 days to go and 5 eggs still growing. I need to take some pics because I think the air cells look small on 4 of them. 1 has a huge air cell that is still extremely loose and wobbly, I still have that one in a carton. Should I start misting them now? Or do you wanna see pictures first? It's hard for me to tell because your batch had big saddles. These are circular, so I've got nothing to compare. The eggs are white call eggs and grey!

That's strange, they're utube clips... :confused:

As for the eggs, yeah, pics would help to see...

And the Call is a Snowy from Lady Greys egg... was an egg I set after she started setting...

My little guy got bit on the bill today! My boys went with their dad for the night and I went to go sit outside with the chickens while they were free ranging. My lone call baby started screaming his head off because the house was empty. So I brought him outside with me and sat him on my lap. One of the chickens came over to investigate and he is so friendly he ran right over to her and wanted to give "duck kisses" to the hen. Well she was not having it and bit him right on the nose!! My poor baby ran right into my sweatshirt and hid. I felt so bad. I really didn't think she was going to do that! He has a little mark on his bill. I sound like a crazy person, don't I? Who could resist rambling about this little cutie!?!

You sound like me when I was raising LG, lol... ;)
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Ok, here it is... Crash in all her craziness, or at least bits of it and her broody zen-ness... these were done while she is broody, but this is how she normally is... except louder and longer, lol...

After going on like this for about an hour, she then decides it's time to go back to her babies... when she is ready she stands up as straight and tall as she can and calls extremely loud and fast with a crazy look in her eye (Tony, I know you have seen that look)... and if she is not let in to her babies immediately she takes off flying, circles around once or twice, then lands on the roof... she proceeds to call and look quiet panicked... much coaxing is needed to get her down again and inside...

Then miraculously, she becomes like this...

This duck defies all logic of a broody mama... and very not what we expected her to be like, lol... but a great mama she is...

@Julie Bird @Tevyes Dad

Took a while to get to it because I wanted to see it on the big screen. You aren't kidding... Crazy duck to Zen duck in 3.2 seconds!
Took a while to get to it because I wanted to see it on the big screen.  You aren't kidding... Crazy duck to Zen duck in 3.2 seconds! :gig

She is our loveable psycho duck, lol... we were seriously worried about her hatching babies, but seems she was born to set and hatch, lol...

When they're out in the yard with the rest of the flock it is interesting at times... LG is the enforcer, charges any that gets too close... but Crash dives into big groups on a whim, bill wide and looking 4x her size... everyone has learned to steer very clear... :gig

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