Re: Duckie Help...Please read...

It does indeed because this is a child friendly site.
First and foremost, I would like to say thanks for all the support from everyone. They made me feel so if I had actually done something wrong!
I brought those duckies in on Monday...and today is Thursday...I regret to say that they have been sent off to a farm somewhere in the area, but they (including the director) absolutely refuse to tell me where. Apparently the damage done to their legs was "irreversible and totally preventable" they have yet to tell me how to prevent the mills from putting grabage into animal feed. I fell like I have taken care of all my animals the best anyone could, and I have worked as hard as I can to give them a clean, happy, loving environment so that they can be what they are...animals. Ironically...the other day I found out the food that I have been feeding my cats (who by the way...I brought in off the streets after belonging to a REAL neglectful owner...oh the stories I've heard about these two poor little kittens) is also not good for cats...Meow Mix...? It seems as though the regulations on what can be put into animal feed are very leniant. And I love how they can market this crap to us as if it's a gormet meal for our pets.
I am very saddened by what happened to my duckies and will never forget this. I have written a letter to not only the local paper in my county...but also to several other newspapers, including the city.
I said that I could forgive the upset person I had to deal with, but using my donator card to set the law on me had cost them all future support and I should be removed from all mailing lists and that it would be 20 below zero in NC before they would ever see any of my money again.

Wouldn't you guess what their last question before hanging up the phone was? "Would you like to make a donation to help support the Wild Bird Care Centre?" I mean...get REAL HERE! I can't believe that people are so cruel. I tried to do what I thought was in the best interest of these ducks...and I get dumped on over and over again for it. These two girls were quite possible the most loving duckies I ever have and ever will have the pleasure of taking care of. This is rediculous. Next time, maybe it would be in the best interest of my ducks for me to try to fix the issue myself and let nature take its course. I wish I would have known what a mistake this was going to be, before I took them there.
I just can't help but thinking this is all my fault for bringing them into the care of a bunch of...freaks. Really...I wish I could just go there...find them...and steal them back but I'm afraid I'll never find them. On the other hand...does anyone know how to find out where these places send their animals for...*ahem*...recovery? Without being too obvious? "Yes hello. I'm looking to find out where you send your ducks?" I really don't know...
Again...thank you all.​
so sorry for your nightmare... I just can't grasp how some people operate when it comes to animal "rescue". If something is injured and I don't have the knowledge / capacity to help it, I want to take it to someone who will HELP IT, not kill it without giving it a chance (as in Cetawin's episode with the injured raptor). They wonder why so many people end up skirting the law and not bringing animals in to the rehab centers -- many times it's because the people aren't sure what is actually going to happen. So sad...
They wonder why so many people end up skirting the law and not bringing animals in to the rehab centers -- many times it's because the people aren't sure what is actually going to happen. So sad...

I definetly agree...and obviously...this is why. I guess from now on...screw it. I'll help them'll be help they won't get anywhere else.​
Were these wild ducks or domestic ducks? I am assuming they were wild since the place was refered to as a wildlife rehab? If they were wild, they weren't yours to get back?
No, they were not wild ducks. They were my own hatched Muscovies. The reason they had to be taken there is because out here, there are literally NO vets that deal with ducks. Taking a duck into a clinic would be like putting a sock puppet on your hand and saying "Please help! He's hurt!"
People look at you as if you are crazy. Not to mention...the best you get from any of the vets here is "well if it were a horse, I could help...but...."
I actually got the number from the vets office. They are "technically" a wildlife centre...but they take in domestic birds all the time. While I was in there I saw many other birds...canaries...budgies...maybe all that people didn't want...or perhaps ones that someone brought to them in seek of help like me.
Also, when I first got them there, they did tell me that while they are in their care they are "responsible" for the ducks...however they did promise that they would "foster" them back to me. Which is why this is such an issue.
I take them there in hopes that they may be able to help, being the bird experts and all. And instead of asking me how they came to be like this (which I STILL don't understand...feed...I get it but what about the feed?) and why they weren't "bathed with Dawn twice daily?" which is also ABSOLUTELY LUDACRIS...I think. It was like they expected these farm animals to come in gleaming white with bows on their necks...sorry...forgot the bows at home. I don't wash my horses on a daily basis...nor would I wash a duck on a daily basis...this would be taking away from its natural oils and really...not allowing it to be a duck!
Really...the main point is...I was accused of neglecting these animals...which I didn't. I left them there on the belief that they would be returned to me...and I even offered to give a LARGE donation in lieu of them helping me get these critters back to good help...which never happened.
No, no - these were domestic Muscovies that she hatched herself.

I agree with all the other people who've said DON'T let this go. I'd be there every day DEMANDING that they tell me where my birds were. I think you need to post the NAME and phone number of this "Rehabilitation Center" so that the rest of us can give them a piece of OUR minds too. What can they do about 20 of us crazy duck lovers tying up their lines and complaining all day?

Washing a duck (or any bird for that matter) that isn't smeared in a toxic substance with DAWN!? Just because, to keep them clean? Really? Are they trying to damage all the natural oils on the feathers so that the duck will waterlog and drown if it tried to land in a large body of water?! I know for a fact (I'm a Natural Resources/Wildlife Ecology major) that birds that are caught in oil spills and scrubbed clean are held for captivity for a WEEK before they're released to allow the natural oils to be redistributed. Do these people know ANYTHING about birds?!

Can you tell that I have a little bit of an aggressive personality too?

I have a German Shepherd that I'm trying to rehome right now, and this is exactly why I'm not going though a Shepherd rescue - you supposedly can keep the dog while they're matching it up with someone and you get the "final say" as to who adopts him, BUT you have to sign ownership of the dog over to them before they'll do anything, completely stripping you of any legal rights as far as where the dog goes. It's BULL.
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Do you have an attorney friend that can write a letter on your behalf? I think Pre-Paid Legal is cheap and letters are a part of the service.
Annarie...definetly nothing wrong with an agressive personality lol. Althought...this place IS located in Canada...and I don't knwo how many of you would love the phone bills after giving these whack jobs a piece of your minds lol. Also...what kind of trouble can I get in for posting business names and such on here? lol...there are a few names I would like to mention...but I don't like having to pay fines lol.
Still trying to figure out where they send their animals. I know there is a farm near my place where most rescue animals in the county go...but let me tell you...if THAT'S where they are going...they'd be better off MEAT BIRDS! This place is SICK. If only the public and those who live in the city and worship this place really knew what they are up to there...
Wifezilla...I have no idea what kind of legal stuff I can take part in. I do have a few lawyer friends...but not ones that deal with ducks lol. I have a lawyer friend that deals with family law and one that deals with property...hmm...maybe I'll make a few calls.
Here's to hoping that the newspaper articles cause a little...mmm...tidal wave in their scamming business. Really...I don't get it...does anyone know WHY they would be so adament about keeping them? Really? They obviously aren't interested in their well-being...otherwise they would have gotten the whole story first!

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