Re: Duckie Help...Please read...

OK, since they weren't wild animals but your pets, are you sure the 'sign in sheet' wasn't a release of some type? I would go back and ask for a copy of what you signed, read the small print and if it was not a release (giving them the animal) take it to the police, they are then stolen property I would think.
Hi All,
An update here. Still no budging on letting me take back the duckies. I did however, find out what farm they send their animals to once they are ready to be "fostered." I think my best bet right now is to stay quiet until they get put up for adoption then go there and try to foster them. I had my husband call and ask where they get sent and sure enough, the idiots told him. I will add though that the farm they do send them to is an ABSOLUTE DUMP. And I will be finding out who it is that actually does the inspecting and request that someone come out. I guess that because I took them there... and DIDN'T sign still means that they are "their property?" I don't like to think of animals as "Property" and I don't think that a person who was acutally out for the well-being of animals would claim them as that.
Once I get them back, the gloves come off lol. I have already contacted ALL of the local newspapers that I could think of, and have talked with a lawyer friends of mine...actually it worked out quite nicely being that one of my boarders' husband is a lawyer. He is more than happy to help write a letter.
As for these places go...I will never ever even consider taking any animal there. I appologize if I have offended any animals rescuers that do not fit the criteria of this one. I know that not all rescue centers are like this one, but it just makes me so mad to think that there is even one that thinks they can get away with it. Rediculous.
Another update in regards to the feed, I put the rest of my ducks on a great feed called Golden Line - Golden Grower...what a GREAT product. As well, I will be contacting the CFIA to determine what actions can be taken against the feed store who sold the bad feed to begin is unacceptable to be poisoning animals like this. It leads to very unfortunate situations like these.
Hopefully this does not happen to anyone else...?
What a shame, and I would also like to appologize on behalf of rescuers that are NOT animal rights wingnuts for those that kinda give the word 'rescue' a bad name..... I am a small in-home rescue and the local "crazy bird lady", who has a great support system for wildlife since I'm not licensed to raise them when they're brought to me. I'm also on the Board of Directors of our local humane society, and foster HS cats in my home. Not everyone out there that has 'rescue' or 'rehab' or 'shelter' is crazy, though it does seem to happen more than I'd like to admit. I think that some people that deal with animals as employment or "hobby" tend to forget how to relate to people.

I gotta ask though, did you fill out any surrender forms? Any relinquishing of ownership papers? Typically larger organizations cover their behinds with paperwork like this, in case someone surrenders an animal and changes their mind and wants the animal back after it has been adopted by someone else, etc......

If there was any paperwork acknowleging that you were giving these ducks to these people, while what they did may have been morally wrong, it probably isn't legally wrong. Which is unfortunate, if feed toxins was the cause of their issue.
She said in her update yesterday she didn't sign ANYTHING except giving them her contact information. So if her signature isn't on anything then they didn't legally have ownership/guardianship of the birds she still does technically so they stole them, by law (CJ major here) - they have stolen her 'property' as here in my state and most of the US animals are considered under the law as 'property'.

Also if they were to try and respond to any of her newspaper articles or radio information on what's happened, thats slander as well because they have no definative proof of anything, while she has people who know she took the ducks there, and that she has not signed over the birds to them nor has her ducks been returned to her. She's got a stronger case against them, and me personally would get animal control or whatever they have in Canada involved, though if it is a state/territory ran facility it could be useless.
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"Forgot to mention...they have my full name, address and phone number...they require it be filled out on a sign in sheet when you being any animals there"

This is what led me to believe something had been 'signed in' would like to see a copy, bet it was a release. If these people haven't been sued for this before, it would be a miracle.
Thats kinda what I was getting at. I'm wondering if that 'sign in' is their release process, and they will use that to their advantage. NOT saying I think it's right, just saying.
Hi All,
I checked on the form (actually I had my husband go in and get one lol) and all it was is a paper that the vet fills out when they take them to do an exam. Tey have you fill in the info incase the animal has a name...or if you know of any injuries, etc. The reason they ask for the name, number, etc is incase they need to contact the person who brought the animal in. For example, if they find a new injury...they would call to ask where it came from.
There is not even a space for a signature. Just information. All it says at the top is the name of the place and: Introducing (name) Bird ID#:
I never sign ANYTHING without getting a thorough explaination as to what my signature is going on. This was no exception.
Anyhow...I'm still hoping that things will work out, although I don't have much faith anymore. My husband told me if I keep calling the place they will likely tell me that they had to put them down or something to get me off their case. And that is something, whether true or not that I don't want to hear

Thank you everyone!

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