RE: Oh the gardening bug

I have plenty of feathered pooping machines to fertilize my garden. I also use fish fertilizers, kelp, and other natural supplements such as calcium for the tomatoes.
I was just looking over the seeds I saved and dried from last year and kind of going over in my head what's in store for this coming year.

I plant a plot of corn, and the main garden normally has Bean's, 3 varieties of Tomato's, cucumber, yellow squash, zuccini, all of my kitchen spices, sweet bell peppers.

I have a small plot out by the coop so I can throw them some fresh stuff during the summer.

I am so ready to plant some seeds!!!!!!!I just love working the garden.I always try to grow something new every year.Not sure what it will be this year,but I know I'm gonna plant extra of everything else.
Our Winter Garden is started already: onions, garlic, chives, kale, peas, broccoli, beets etc The flowers around the border popping up too (Nasturums and calenduals) We need to start some more cabbage now that the massive gopher is gone and the anti bunny wire is up We have some repurposed wood boxes for herb and a big rusted out bottom horse water trough for our spinach and lettuces

The main garden has the potatoes planted and is waiting on warmer weather for the rest. We have a bit of work to go on it and still have some trees that should be removed or trimmed. We started a few plants for the flower border for it too It is still plenty early here. But it was about 80 today, so hard to remember we have to wait.

We are going to make a pvc hoop green house and finish up some fencing too

The bareroot trees are in too, so we need to get a few new of those too

We discovered one of our nectarines (is a BAD location) has some problem and is rocking, so it might have to go (or so I half hope)
Oh no... as a crazy canner I realized I want to do MORE pickles this year, but I do not have any saved cucumbers.

I better get to ordering.
I started egg plant and tomato seeds in the past week. A few more weeks and the peppers, broccoli and cauliflower can be started too!

We found a small (4' x 6') greenhouse at lowes on clearance from 90.00 for 40.00
This week will be starting tomatoes: Tomande, Bella Rosa, and Sweet Chelsea
also planting:
Cucumbers: Eureka and Gurney's Burpless II pickler
Eggplants: Black Beauty
Bell Pepper: California Wonder
Hot Pepper: Garden Salsa
Also will plant a row of purple pod pole beans and black crowder peas, some zucchini & some yellow squash.

Herb garden has anise (fennel), dill, parsley 2 kinds, basil, oregano, rosemary, chives.

Containers have these little hot peppers that I lost the name of a long time ago but they make a great hot vinegar sauce.
I call what I do "Companion Planting" as all I have helps the other species in some way. We plot grow. Highest nitrogen eaters near the geese and those not needing so much further away. The plan is to bury the old 400 gal stock tank below ground, ramp it in and out, and add water and geese. When cleaning time happens we use a sump pump fit for large debris and pump it out into the garden, not directly on the plants, but between.

We also plant "3 sisters," Native American style. Corn for feed or meal goes in first, when it gets height the climbing beans go in, and once they are up, a squash is added to shade out ground weeds. All are winter crops to dry in field and store for winter. If you use a "fresh eat" item, you are likely to walk all over something, in the search for something else. The fresh eat rows are wider, with more access for picking with safety for the plants.

The list below is only PART of what has been gathered, but each family member wants a variety of items. The deal I made is weeding your own, or it doesn't get planted. If it becomes weeded and buried, I dig it, and feed it to stock. Then I plant something I want and they are out of getting fresh goods. I made the rules they will follow, or their's gets "struck" from the list. *shrugs* We'll find out?

Right now the plans include nothing but heirloom open-polinated varieties (don't figure to plant anything I can't save seeds from):
-note: these are in no particular order-

Roma tomatos
sweet banana peppers
2 Habanero hot peppers, chocolate and white varieties
Mortgage Lifter tomatos
Red Acre cabbage
Red salad bow lettuce (and maybe 3 others, undecided)
Spaghetti Squash
Burgundy Okra
Flag Leeks
Golden Globe turnips
Georgia Collards
parsnips (variety not decided)
Yukon Gold potatos
Delicata Squash
Bloomsdale spinach
Pak Choi Chinese cabbage
Telegraph Cucumbers
Creole Red Onions
Asian Sakata melons
Largo Lima beans
Hopi Blue meal corn

Amole Soap Plant: see links

Charleston Grey watermelons
Hale's Best cantaloupes
Hickory King corn white
Black Beauty Zucchini
Louisiana Purplehull peas
Anaheim peppers
Purple Coneflowers Echinacea
Ground Cherries
Blue Kuri squash
Strawberry spinach
Napa Chinese cabbage
Purple Top rutabagas
Bushel Gourds
Kamut wheat
...and the family is STILL adding on!!!! Oh my back!!*&^%%*()_)_~*!!!
I'm so jealous of you guys who already have your seeds started. Around here I can't even think about putting anything outside until late May or early June, so it will be a while before I start my seeds indoors.

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