Re-purposed material - a lesson in recycling.

Please take your time in building the coop so that we can enjoy more of your wonderful story telling!
I am amazed at your talent and skill with words.
Now if only your building skills are as great, I'm sure you will no doubt have the most beautiful coop ever built! Love it and wait in anticipation like the others
I'm sorry but that is actually redneck not recycled!!!! Trust me on this one as I am married to a true redneck!!!!! He can build anything out of nothing. Cool idea with the liner!!

Hmmmmm..........thinking now that I remember seeing a truck bed liner laying around somewhere?????
Can't wait until Saturday! We too re-purpose anytime we can. I watch barn and garage sales for used wood or leftovers from projects. Our coop was built from damaged plywood from Menards and an old dog run. The roof shingles were from building our house. All we bought was poultry wire to wrap the lower part of the kennel. I will be on the edge of my chair waiting to see your creation. You really have a way with words. I can picture the conspirators around the food bowl.
I can so identify with this recycling post. We just spent all day hauling old lumber from our old barn to our house, got out the buzz saw, measured, cut off here, lopped there, measured again, cussed a little (well my husband did, not me...yet), and I think we have most of what it will take to retro-fit an old outbuilding we have on our farm. It already has a little pass-through door, and the coop part will be on the inside of the old root cellar, so they'll be cool in the summer and much warmer in the winter than if they were inside an outdoor free-standing coop. I have 10 mixed 8 week olds that are quickly outgrowing the three big boxes they've grown up in downstairs. My husband asked me how much eggs cost at the store. When your partner in crime just isn't really into it, it's hard to explain the allure of having "real" eggs.
Alright then, do any of you have great ideas of how I can repurpose the 3 toilets I have sitting in my yard for my new coop? It seems the only other place for them is the dump because I already have enough gardening space and don't need them as planters.

I had thought of using the bowls for nest boxes...but that doesn't seem practical. Anymore ideas?

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