Re-purposed material - a lesson in recycling.

For those not following the blog-- honestly, it's not that great, here is a pic of one of my peeps peering through the window. My daughter, Anna, having just given her a dandelion, the peep was pretty stoked! They played peep football with it for a while.
I can see it now - put new "sewer" lines in from the coop to your house and train the hens to flush after laying. Eggs delivered right to your kitchen:cd

And Ryan, I don't know what 'boring' job you have but if you cannot consider writing then at least consider teaching. Any subject there'd be no sleeping in your class.
Ok going to check out the blog now.
Yea not sleeping again tonight. Ant body gotta a fix for that?
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I think my baby dinos must be roughly the age of yours, as I'm living in fear of the nine of them making a big escape!!! They've been moved from their small brooder condo (two medium cardboard boxes taped together with plastic page protectors taped over openings for windows) to their warehouse loft (the mother of all cardboard boxes). Our coop is not yet finished and I have no idea when it will be warm enough to put them in it (we live in Maine and the temps haven't creeped above low 50's yet). Our coop is being built by some students at the school I work at, but this is vacation week, so all plans are on hold:( I'm anxious to see your completed castle (perhaps they are really flying dragons and not baby dinos!)
Awesome! (If only they let you log in using whatever non-blogspot blog name you already had, lol.) Would also love to see your hits- they are prolly through the roof! If you can add RSS buttons, that would be cool, too. Don't know if your stats will show you anything in regards to that, but you might get more people following that way, particularly if they don't have a Google account.

I'm off to go move my peeps into the living room this morning where I can watch them, lol. Nothing better than chick tv!

I haven't the slightest idea how to add and RSS feed. LOL Care to enlighten me? As for my stats, apparently, I'm wildly popular in the US and Canada. LOL Ok, not really. Oh! A hit from Australia! Wow this could be a spectator sport.
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